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well I found Centennial College tuition to be much higher than Seneca.

Although due to recent inflation and tuition hike, normal diploma programs at Seneca is now around $2,700 per year (8 months or 2 semesters) from $2,500, with only $200-300 increase. Centennial College's Tuition fee is around $3,300 per year (8 months or semesters) from $2,500 with more than $800 increase. The fees stated include your basic tuition and other incidental, dental, health, building, technology fees and etc...........

To answer your question, the program "Payroll Manager" at Centennial college is a post-graduate program and it's new. The tuition stated is reasonable for a post-graduate certificate. The reason to why you have been accepted so easily is mainly due to the insignificant enrollment because it's a new program and usually people are geared towards accounting rather than payroll.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 请问:从ontariocollege申请后第三点就收到centenialpayroll management的offer.根本没要我的任何学位公证件,英语成绩等等。现在我连student ID都收到了。哪有学校这么容易进的?这是一个疏忽吗?我乐的省事,但担心有tricky的东西在里面。另外
    • well I found Centennial College tuition to be much higher than Seneca.
      Although due to recent inflation and tuition hike, normal diploma programs at Seneca is now around $2,700 per year (8 months or 2 semesters) from $2,500, with only $200-300 increase. Centennial College's Tuition fee is around $3,300 per year (8 months or semesters) from $2,500 with more than $800 increase. The fees stated include your basic tuition and other incidental, dental, health, building, technology fees and etc...........

      To answer your question, the program "Payroll Manager" at Centennial college is a post-graduate program and it's new. The tuition stated is reasonable for a post-graduate certificate. The reason to why you have been accepted so easily is mainly due to the insignificant enrollment because it's a new program and usually people are geared towards accounting rather than payroll.
    • 我当年申请的时候,他们也什么都没要我的,越来越觉得这学校究竟是只看钱不看其他呢,还是实在门槛低.8个月学费4700,如果是10门课程,不算特别贵
      • 大约八九门的样子。
      • 这些学校都要挣钱的,当然尽量降低门槛。你是顾客,及时这个专业不行,他也会塞给你另一个专业。
    • 到现在为止centenial还是什么都没要我的。我想等等再pay,哪位知道秋季学期payment的deadline是什么时候?
      • You are already late for paying.
        • 不会吧,连确定offer的deadline都没到呢。并且我也没看到任何地方有对payment的时限。
    • 提供学位公证件是为了转学分的,如果不需要转就不需要提供,开学之前会有英语测试的,如果英语不好需要从低级英语班学起,所以也不需要你的英文成绩。给你的这个OFFER是为了让你去读的,不代表你一定可以读到你喜欢的专业,也许会从预科开始。