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That's my point. This is a good way to transfer your money out of China as long as you trust the guy who do it for you.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I must say most of the 老外s I knew in China are also kind and honest persons.

For my personal case, the 老外 who helped us to transfer our money was my wife's boss, an american, and his annual salary was US$200k. Our money is far too little for this guy to do anything wrong. Besides, since we were still in China at that time and had already got an account in Canada, I could checked whether the money had arrived in our account in 2-3 days. Therefore, I didn't think there were any risk at all under such situation.

The advantage of doing this is that the trasfer fee of Bank of China is base on a percentage of the money you transfer ( as I remember ) and this will bite a small chunk of your money. On the other hand, the wire transfer fee of foreign banks is counted by transaction, about 10 bucks/trans. It will make a real difference if you transfer a big amount.

Finally, as I have mentioned in my last post, the 老外 is doing you a BIG favour by doing this. Since if he can not spend all the money you give him in China, there is also no safely way for him to carry that money out of China.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 各位前辈:我码上要登陆了,不想冒险带现金,但又不了解买汇票什么的?有什么手续?
    • 我的朋友是找老外帮忙办的,问问吧。
      • "我的朋友是找老外帮忙办的", could be more detail. thanks.
        • Give all your money to a 老外, after your landing and have a bank account let him wire transfer the money from his account to yours or maybe you can ask him to write u a personal check and u can carry it with u.
          One thing u should know is that the 老外 is doing you a big favour, since he also cannot carry that money out of China legally and safely. Besides, the pre-requisition of doing this is that you must trust that guy and bear the risk of losing all your money.

          I do it that way.
          • 极危险做法,wire transfer and personal check have no trust.老外大多也并非老实人,而且你难以告他,不如开几张汇票并贴身带1000一张的加币。如果钱太多就只能危险了。我有一个亲戚以前让一个非常好的信任的朋友帮他偷带港币10万从深圳到香港,最后消失了。
            • 至少我在国内认识的老外大多是老实人。很难想象那些常驻中国的经理、专家等会为了这点钱而败坏自己的荣誉。
            • That's my point. This is a good way to transfer your money out of China as long as you trust the guy who do it for you.
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I must say most of the 老外s I knew in China are also kind and honest persons.

              For my personal case, the 老外 who helped us to transfer our money was my wife's boss, an american, and his annual salary was US$200k. Our money is far too little for this guy to do anything wrong. Besides, since we were still in China at that time and had already got an account in Canada, I could checked whether the money had arrived in our account in 2-3 days. Therefore, I didn't think there were any risk at all under such situation.

              The advantage of doing this is that the trasfer fee of Bank of China is base on a percentage of the money you transfer ( as I remember ) and this will bite a small chunk of your money. On the other hand, the wire transfer fee of foreign banks is counted by transaction, about 10 bucks/trans. It will make a real difference if you transfer a big amount.

              Finally, as I have mentioned in my last post, the 老外 is doing you a BIG favour by doing this. Since if he can not spend all the money you give him in China, there is also no safely way for him to carry that money out of China.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 如果你的外币存在汇户中, 你可以要中行给你开信汇(开给你自己). 每次不能开太多($4000以下. 多开几次. 这样不用向外管局申请. 如果是钞户, 则可以买旅行支票(手续费好像是3%).
      外钞转外汇的具体办法不祥. 最好向中行打听. 如果人在北京/广州, 可以到蒙特利尔银行北京/广州分行打听如何开户和存款.
      • 如果你是现钞。。。
        • 我也不愿付3%
    • 我问过了,带身份证,LP,护照去开户,一个星期后可拿到账户号, 然后去中行将钱电汇到你蒙特利尔的账户上去。这样做的好处是到 加拿大后就可以拿到信用卡了。
      • 移民的话哪里还有什么身份证,早都注销了!
        • 我还没有销户,所以还有身份证,而且我也不打算销户。
        • 我们临走的时候准备的很细致,没销户,而且把身份证挂失,重新办了一个新版的,二十年有效,灵子,建议你也办一个,以后会用得着的。
          • 谢谢你,流云!(户口据说要取消了,)不过新版的身份证我确实留了张在受理,户口办护照的时候没办法取消了。
      • 电汇要3%手续吧?
      • 在哪开户?
        • 加拿大皇家银行The Royal Bank of Canada 建外大街国际贸易中心国贸大厦618-620, 010-6505 0358
          加拿大皇家银行The Royal Bank of Canada
          010-6505 0358
          加拿大帝国商业银行Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
          加拿大丰业银行The Bank of Nova Scotia
          010-65050552, 65050553
          加拿大蒙特利尔银行The Bank of Montreal
          北京长安大戏院 1座1016
          • 老特,非常感谢你提供的资料!
      • 我就是用的这个办法,可是有点问题,蒙特利尔银行要收费,他们电话通知我,我汇出的9999美元变成了9800多元,具体数字还没确定我正生气呢。这也太黑了!我要去和他们理论,这不是坑人吗?那位有此类经验?可做一解释?
    • 我们来时就带在身上,没一个人问。一路顺畅。
      • 请教前辈,我第一次LANDING可否将美金放到行李箱的夹缝里,不知会否被查出来?
        • 查你是指在中国出关时查. 除了关就万事大吉了. 建议不要放在行李箱中, 不安全.
        • 不要这样做。有一种说法,中国人喜欢把钱藏在行李箱中(又有什么办法),有人就专门偷中国人的行李。行李遗失,航空公司只赔几百美金。
          • 非常感谢!还想问一下:不知美圆最大面额多少,可否放在那种带拉链的BIKINI里面,在仪器检查是会否被查到?再次表示感谢!
            • 一百一张。一万元也就那么一小挞。 检查不是很严。 大不了让亲友带回去,再寄过来。
            • 知道美圆上面的金属线的作用吗?其中之一就是当你带有大量美圆的时候就会被探测到。不过有人带过5万美圆平安过关的。如果要带就随身口袋,至少海关一般不会搜你的身
      • 安检时没有被发现吗?
        • 注意us$的金属线,若太多的钱全部重叠在一起,过安检时警报会响。
          • 如果我带1万的美元,被查出的可能性多大?放在身上。
            • Either 0% or 100% for you. 100 bills is not a small amount.
      • 请问卡吉尼亚:你就带着现金一直到CANADA?超过20000加元行吗?
    • 办个携款证吧,其实也不大麻烦。
    • 招商银行 VISA国际现金卡
      (一张身份证可办一张 2000US$ 的卡),提款一次两美元。
      办卡的手续费是 20US$(合1%)。算一算还是比较合算,关键是安全方便。
      我来时就用此卡带的现金,在TD Bank 的提款机上一次提出全部现金(加元),之花了两美元手续费。汇率还不错(VISA公司还是有实力的)。
      • 请问如果有超过2000美金怎么办?是不是这种卡里只能存2000美金?
        • 一张身份证可以办一张,请问您家里几口人?:)
          • 两个人!哦,你的意思是我可以用别人的身份证办,然后把卡带走即可???
            • u got it!!!
              • 非常感谢您的指点!
                • no problem! hehe
                  • 请问您是在哪个城市的招行办理的VISA国际现金卡?我在沈阳,我刚才打电话咨询了招行,告诉我说没有这种卡,不过有VTM卡,但是是一次性的,购买金额在5000-10000美金之间,1%的手续费,然后到多伦多后取一次2美圆的手续费,不知道是否可行呢?
                    • 补充说一句:“一次性”指取完款后该卡就作废了,不可以往里面续款!招行的人说他们跟VISA公司有协议,在很多国家都可以取。
                      • 正是!!
                      • VTM -- VISA travel money card.