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Admission Requirements
New Curriculum

1.Ontario Secondary School Diploma
2. Four grade 12 University (U) level courses:
* Grade 12 English (U)
*Grade 12 Mathematics (U)
*Grade 12 Chemistry (U)
*Grade 12 Biology (U) OR Physics (U)
(Biology is strongly recommended)
3.Two University (U) or University/Mixed (U/M) level courses
A minimum grade of 60% in each of the courses

这是MICHENER 学院的入学要求,其中的Two University (U) or University/Mixed (U/M) level courses 是指大学课程吗?MIXED是指什么?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 不明白这个入学要求的意思,各位朋友请进来帮我看看!
    Admission Requirements
    New Curriculum

    1.Ontario Secondary School Diploma
    2. Four grade 12 University (U) level courses:
    * Grade 12 English (U)
    *Grade 12 Mathematics (U)
    *Grade 12 Chemistry (U)
    *Grade 12 Biology (U) OR Physics (U)
    (Biology is strongly recommended)
    3.Two University (U) or University/Mixed (U/M) level courses
    A minimum grade of 60% in each of the courses

    这是MICHENER 学院的入学要求,其中的Two University (U) or University/Mixed (U/M) level courses 是指大学课程吗?MIXED是指什么?
    • Grade 12 U or M. Mixed means University and College. If you have been in Ontario high school before, you should know.
      • 谢谢楼上的,那就是说这六门课程都是high school课程。那在成人高中完成这些课程一般大概要多长时间呢?
        • well those are grade 12 courses, which requires the pre-requisit of grade 11 and 10 courses, or even worst, grade 9 courses may be required.
          However, before you enrol in adult high school, you need to take an assessment to determine your level and receive advanced standing.