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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

In common law countries such as England and the United States, the role of the jury is often described as the finder of fact

In common law countries such as England and the United States, the role of the jury is often described as the finder of fact, while the judge is seen as having the sole responsibility of interpreting the appropriate law and instructing the jury accordingly.
In Canada, juries are also allowed to make suggestions for sentencing periods and at the time of sentencing, the suggestions of the jury are presented before the judge by the Crown prosecutor(s) before the sentence is handed down.
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  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 一级谋杀 VS 二级谋杀
    • good thought and good reading..:) way to go!
    • 辩方律师确实厉害,控方的几个主要证人都被他证明不可靠。无奈物证太多,我觉得陪审团的思维是:既然在养猪场搜出那么死者遗骸、遗迹之类,Picton 肯定与杀人托不了干系。只是他脑筋不好使,犯罪过程有很多不明不白的地方,所以给个二级。
    • 谁说二级谋杀罪要做一辈子牢?只不过是自动判终身监禁,10年内不准假释。
      • 要考虑两个因素,一是数罪并罚。第二,二级谋杀罪是10~25年不准假释,具体量型法官要根据检方意见和受害人陈情来决定。
    • 如果我没有搞错的话,陪审团的作用是认定事实,而不是量罪定刑,所以,陪审团是不会给嫌疑人定罪的。
      • 陪审团定罪,但是不量刑。
      • 看怎么定义“定罪”了。检方提出各项起诉罪名,陪审团决定各项罪名是否成立(On the charge of 1st degree murder of xxx, we found defendant not guilty, On the charge of 2rd degree murder of xxx, we found defendant guilty.),法官最后根据定罪的罪名量型。
        • In common law countries such as England and the United States, the role of the jury is often described as the finder of fact
          In common law countries such as England and the United States, the role of the jury is often described as the finder of fact, while the judge is seen as having the sole responsibility of interpreting the appropriate law and instructing the jury accordingly.
          In Canada, juries are also allowed to make suggestions for sentencing periods and at the time of sentencing, the suggestions of the jury are presented before the judge by the Crown prosecutor(s) before the sentence is handed down.
    • "而对检方和受害人家属来说,二级谋杀罪名成立,也是一个完全可以接受的结果。"??? Are you kidding?!
      • 我得出这个结论,是因为听到CBC采访受害者家属,给我的感觉。
    • 这里的体系,是一个Law system, 不是一个Justice System,我不只从一个电台或者电视台节目主持人口中听到这样的说法。。。。中午和同事聊天,7,8个人一致觉得一颗子弹是最好的解决方案,浪费钱不值得
    • 他不用出来了, 这是前6个, 后面还有20个谋杀罪, 这家伙一共杀了49个人. 即使每个判一年, 他下次出来,也是一百岁以后了.
    • 想起了陈敏的二级谋杀定罪,也不算轻了。
    • 如果甲欠了49个人各一百块钱,第一个人向甲逼债, 被甲利用家中的刀刺死。之后居然没人发现, 尝到甜头之后, 甲又相继邀请了另外48人,用家中的刀一一刺死。第一个没有预谋,后面的48个就不能说没有预谋。应该判一级谋杀。
      • 律师说他在杀另外48个的时候精神疲惫,神志不清,所以不是故意的。
    • 本案没有直接证据(人证,物证)直接把他联系到任何死者。但是几十个人埋在他家院子里无论如何也解释不清的。大家只是毫无疑问地[认为]是他杀的(circumstantial evidence)。


      这是第一批审判的6位死者。第二批还有20名死者家属等着justice to be served。
    • 评得很好.
    • 仔细研究了一下, 他肯定是终身监禁, 判决只是调整一下假释的时间, 从10年到25年. 终身监禁+25年不得假释是加拿大刑法的上限. 不过,这种人到期申请假释,不见得能被批准. 现在已经有一个类似的家伙在里头住26年了.