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a little thoughts of #6

There is no more to happiness than simply leading a comfortable pleasure life.

In the busy life, we sometimes forget pay attention to the things that are critical to our happiness.Your family, children, health, friends, and your passions are things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. Playing with your children, taking time to get medical checkups, and taking your partner out to dinner, or to enjoy exciting journey are all important things simply leading a comfortable life.

use the idea, and then develop a first, second and last essay.

Good luck

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 知道心潭里有很多写作高手, 很有想法。我写英语作文快要受不, 老师给了六个作文题 真的没有什么IDEA,老师自己是搞哲学出身。请ROLIA上各路大侠谈谈观点想法。 谢谢了
    1. When our friends ask for help, we should give it willingly.Assess the merits of this argument
    2. "Pleasure is the beginning and the goal of a happy life." Is there a better reason for doing something than the pleasure it affords us?
    3: "Everything happens for a reason" Argue for or against this claim.
    4. Discuss the effect(s) of relegating the body to a lower level than that of the mind (of pretending we are minds that exist independently of our bodies)
    5. How do "art and philosophy help us...to turn pain into knowledge?"
    6: Is there more to happiness than simply leading a comfortable pleasure life?
    • a little thoughts of #6
      There is no more to happiness than simply leading a comfortable pleasure life.

      In the busy life, we sometimes forget pay attention to the things that are critical to our happiness.Your family, children, health, friends, and your passions are things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. Playing with your children, taking time to get medical checkups, and taking your partner out to dinner, or to enjoy exciting journey are all important things simply leading a comfortable life.

      use the idea, and then develop a first, second and last essay.

      Good luck
      • Thank you.
        Thank you for your points. I am not sure the definition of "a comfortable pleasant life" in this topic. Actually, my understanding of “a comfortable pleasant life” is a littler bit different from yours. From my point of view, the comfortable life is composed of some luxuries and just satisfies people’s material needs. Therefore, I think there are more to happiness than simply leading a comfortable life, for example, self-esteem, achievement, personal growth, etc. which give more meaning for happiness. Please advise.

        Again, thank you!
    • combination any key words, google them.
      #2,I like to discuss maslow's Hierarchy of needs
      • I am very interested in maslow's Hierarchy of needs you recommended. I'd like to write #6 based on this theory. Could you please give me more details regarding how you will develop #2 using this theory? Thanks!!
        • people are motivated by different
          things, hierarchy or not, based on different theories. so, what is pleasure, define it first, and then develop around the happieness you defined. NARROW is very important.
    • about 2 and 6, you can refer to "organizational behavior" (famous OB, hahah), any chapter about motivation,
      • Thank you for your suggestion.
        I narrowed the definition of "a comfortable and pleasant life ": needs are just satisfied with material aspects. My thesis statement is that happiness was dependent on some complex psychological goods but relatively independent of material ones. Therefore, there are more to happiness than simply leading a comfortable life, for example, gain happiness from true love, from esteem, from potentials to give others happiness...

        BTW, I learned OB, but I have already sold out my book.:((((
    • Thank you guys for your help. I finished my first draft. :)))))