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There are few benefits for completing a diploma, read on...

1) With a Business Diploma, you will get CGA's Business Case 1 (BC1) credit.
2) You need to complete some not CGA related courses to get the CGA related courses, due to the prerequisites (ie: you must complete QNM106 before you can enrol in QNM222, however, there are exceptions to this rule)
3) It gives you a diploma which you can put on your resume.

I would do is, Enrol in Day time ACF for 3 semesters, then transfer all your credits to Part time. Notice that semester 2 and 3 let you take 6 courses each for the price of 5 courses? From that loophole you may save another $500. Then complete CGA level 3 courses only, In total you need to finish 24 courses and apply to graduate with a 2 year diploma. At the end you get a Business diploma which potentially grant you CGA's BC1 credit and you are at level 3.

I cna teach you the proper planning which can save you more money and time; however, I am in China right now. Accessing to the internet is very limitted at my current place of resident.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 想去SENECA读accounting,可不可以只选能转CGA的课程,其他的课不选?
    报了9月SENECA 的ACF 3年课程,看了下具体科目,前二个学期有很多跟CGA无关的,诸如商业之类的课程。这些以前我都读过,而且将来转CGA的时候也不会看这些课的学分。所以想不读这些课了,抓紧时间选一些跟CGA有关的课,早点学完,不知道能不能行得通。请大家指教
    • 哪位大侠给点意见? 是不是要求比较特殊啊?
      • 好像那样只能上part-time的,而且不能拿到Diploma,因为你不满足它的毕业要求。
        • Part time 是不是就只有晚上上课的那种?可不可以跟着白天上?我也没想要他们的diploma,就是想都学完了转CGA,这样转没问题吧?
          • 如果你不想按部就班上的话,就不能申请full-time的day-time课程,只能晚上和周末上课了。课程的确是可以转去CGA的。
    • 如果你不要毕业证书,只学CGA的课程,也不是不可以。不过,你自己去Seneca网站把你要学的课程的Outline看一下,很多课要prerequest es。
      • 嗯,这个我注意到了,多谢。如果拿到SENECA的证书会有什么好处呢?比如可以通过COOP更容易找到工作么?
        • 很多人在Coop一个学期后,雇主就正式雇用他们了。我现在后悔当时没上Coop。不过,Seneca的Coop不是人人能上的,要过很多关卡,要成绩好特别是英语课不能低于B,书面申请,听力测试,面试,一年只有不到30个Coop的名额。
          • There are few benefits for completing a diploma, read on...
            1) With a Business Diploma, you will get CGA's Business Case 1 (BC1) credit.
            2) You need to complete some not CGA related courses to get the CGA related courses, due to the prerequisites (ie: you must complete QNM106 before you can enrol in QNM222, however, there are exceptions to this rule)
            3) It gives you a diploma which you can put on your resume.

            I would do is, Enrol in Day time ACF for 3 semesters, then transfer all your credits to Part time. Notice that semester 2 and 3 let you take 6 courses each for the price of 5 courses? From that loophole you may save another $500. Then complete CGA level 3 courses only, In total you need to finish 24 courses and apply to graduate with a 2 year diploma. At the end you get a Business diploma which potentially grant you CGA's BC1 credit and you are at level 3.

            I cna teach you the proper planning which can save you more money and time; however, I am in China right now. Accessing to the internet is very limitted at my current place of resident.
            • Thank you dota, your plan sounds very good! I understand more this time. Hope could talk to you after you come back. Lots of things need to ask you. :)