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So we can talk about this topic.

In my opinion,in one year's college learning ,we not only can get a diploma,but also can improve our English,especially can know something about school life which we know nothing about it.Two year's college can finish in one year if you work hard.To prepare TOEFL and GMAT is a long process,which is so boring,and I don't think can improve English,If you fail to apply MBA,then one year has passed.Also,after graduation from a college,you can find a job,after two year's working in North American,to apply MBA may be easy.One of my friends ,who was studying in a university before, in summer,she passed the test of TOEFL and GMAT, now she dropped the university and go to MBA school.

I just don't want to stay at home,going to school maybe can get more information about study,about finding a job.I really don't know if it is a good way.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 希望得到有经验朋友的意见: 我在国内读的管理专业bachelor, 若干年工作经验(年纪不小了啊) 想申请MBA, 但是听说MBA很难找工作, 还不如college好找工作.
    如果读college, 可能也是选一个诸如business-marketing之类的专业. 有两个主要问题: 1. 读college这个专业(2年)出来可能好找工作么? 2. 如果读先1年的college, 同时提高英文及准备GMAT和TOEFL,争取明年读MBA. 这样可行么. 我的情况: 国内普通大学学士. 英文一般但可加强.
    • 同问,想读MBA,但是想在college提高一下英语,熟悉一下这的学习程序,先热热身,而且在一年内说不定可以拿个diploma呢,不知道可行不!
      • It seems no one interested in this topic. Now I changed my idea of going to college. For me, there are two reasons of going to college: one is to get a diploma, the other is to improve my English.
        But my understanding is, one-year study only comes with a certificate. And I can learn English by myself to prepare TOEFL and GMAT test. How do you think about it?
        • So we can talk about this topic.
          In my opinion,in one year's college learning ,we not only can get a diploma,but also can improve our English,especially can know something about school life which we know nothing about it.Two year's college can finish in one year if you work hard.To prepare TOEFL and GMAT is a long process,which is so boring,and I don't think can improve English,If you fail to apply MBA,then one year has passed.Also,after graduation from a college,you can find a job,after two year's working in North American,to apply MBA may be easy.One of my friends ,who was studying in a university before, in summer,she passed the test of TOEFL and GMAT, now she dropped the university and go to MBA school.

          I just don't want to stay at home,going to school maybe can get more information about study,about finding a job.I really don't know if it is a good way.
          • Actually, I have the same thinking.
            I just don't want to stay at home. I talked to a career counselor, she suggested that if I want to study in college, choose a program other than business, otherwise it would be a waste of time since i already have a bachelor degree. There are many ways to imporve English, such as try to find a job. Now I dont' have a clear idea for what I should do. BTW, what subject are you interested in college?
            • I will still study bussiness in college,
              I have a bachelor degree of managment in China,in here,if you transfer to a university,you will get a degree of commerce,which is different.Now I also have no exact idea of what should I do.where did you find the career counselor?Is it free? I am in the puzzle,what to talk to somebody.
            • i want to get some advices with my career ,but i do not know how to reach a good counselor ,would you have some tips for me? thanks advance.
    • 如果想在这里工作,不推荐考MBA,除非你有本地相关的工作经验,而且希望学完MBA后还找同一工种。建议先学一门实用技术,然后顺着career ladder向上爬,缺什么补什么。想一开始就把所有未来有可能用到的东西都学到是不自信的表现。
      • Exactly@!
      • 谢谢.确实现在目标不明确. 因为以前是学管理,如果想以后上Master, 好象只有MBA可选. 如果现在上college, 由于没有其它专业背景,除了商科,又不知有什么专业可选(accounting不感兴趣),学HR的就业机会好么, 求教
        • where did you find the career counselor?Is it free? I am in the puzzle,what to talk to somebody.
          • 你所在城市的新移民服务行机构可以提供这项服务,不过我觉得用处也不是很大. 其实我的情况好象和你差不多,这个管理专业就好象啥都没学一样 :-)