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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

It's easier said than done. As you may have noticed, he already wasted over $100,000 by completing a 2 year College diploma. How is he going to finance Bachelor degree and MBA?

You have to be realistic, he used up 4 years of time just to get a 2 year College diploma, what does that mean? it means his grades for the diploma is not up to the standard for University transfer. getting into an University might be a problem not to mention getting an MBA.

I know a few International students goes to school full time and work part time; however, money earned from the part time job is only enough to cover the daily expenses but not the tuitions. You still need your other sources (your rich parents) to support you.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 左右为难。大家给点建议吧,不知道是留下还是回国。

    说起来4年应该读完了,学的是计算机专业。接下来有2个选择:1。接着读(大概要1年时间能拿大专文凭。) 2。马上回国(有普遍的毕业证-general study diploma).
    • it is depends on useness of your diploma
      • 学校是个一般学校。不知道国内现在计算机专业 需求怎么样、
        • 据说工作机会多。 但是你若不喜欢, 做起来也遭罪。 不若重新规划一下自己的career, 定出一个目标, 再选择达到目标的途径。
    • oh boy
      so you've wasted 4 years of your time and international student fee are just too much for students to handle. I assume your parents are rich or you get the financing from other sources. Anyway, if you think you hate Computer studies, then you should just graduate with a 2 year general College diploma and then choose a different program to study if you want to remain in Canada. If you hate working in Canada, then going back to China is the better option. Do what you like, it's your life.
      • 谢谢你的回复,我承认是自己没有好好学。并且在读一年又要花10几万,感觉不值得去。
    • 可以去美国
      • -_-???为什么
        • 走一步看一步
    • 接着读
      • if money is not a concern, then i agree
        • I think money is concern now.
          • Here is a suggestion for you:
            Follow these steps:
            1) Marry a domestc person and get rid of your international status. Now you are a permanent resident, you may study in part time schools and your tution is significantly decreased.
            2) Find a job, any job
            3) Study part time (paying on average $250 for each College course or $500 for University courses.
            • 谢谢你的建议。现在就是不知道国内计算机找的到工作不。本人不打算移民的。
              • 基本上,没有任何经验的,又是读计算机的留学生是很难回国找到好工作。找到工作最多也就是3、5千元,你也不原意去做。国内的计算机毕业生太多了,虽然水平都普遍一般,但是还是比留学生要踏实肯干一点。
                • It's easier said than done. As you may have noticed, he already wasted over $100,000 by completing a 2 year College diploma. How is he going to finance Bachelor degree and MBA?
                  You have to be realistic, he used up 4 years of time just to get a 2 year College diploma, what does that mean? it means his grades for the diploma is not up to the standard for University transfer. getting into an University might be a problem not to mention getting an MBA.

                  I know a few International students goes to school full time and work part time; however, money earned from the part time job is only enough to cover the daily expenses but not the tuitions. You still need your other sources (your rich parents) to support you.
                • 现在国内本科(不是名牌大学)刚毕业的能找到两千块的工作已经是谢天谢地了,尤其是上海这样的大城市,本地的毕业生,还有外地想来的,应届毕业班很多找不上工作,继续在家里啃老的.
    • 犹豫中
      不知道是不是我习惯了,还是为什么? 感觉现在心里决定回国,可是老是不去做。