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conditional offer求助(waterloo前辈请进!)

Please arrange for an official (i.e. signed and stamped or sealed) Chinese transcript, graduation diploma and degree certificate to be forwarded directly by your institution, with a certified (signed and stamped or sealed) translation in English, showing all marks and the awarding of your Bachelor's degree in which you must secure at least an 80% standing.
我申请的phd. 我现在人在加拿大读master,国内本科毕业证学位证在手头。国内开的中英文official本科成绩单上面已经注明学位授予,和毕业时间。请教高手,我该怎样办理official chinese graduate diploma and degree certificate and certified english translation?


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / conditional offer求助(waterloo前辈请进!)
    Please arrange for an official (i.e. signed and stamped or sealed) Chinese transcript, graduation diploma and degree certificate to be forwarded directly by your institution, with a certified (signed and stamped or sealed) translation in English, showing all marks and the awarding of your Bachelor's degree in which you must secure at least an 80% standing.
    我申请的phd. 我现在人在加拿大读master,国内本科毕业证学位证在手头。国内开的中英文official本科成绩单上面已经注明学位授予,和毕业时间。请教高手,我该怎样办理official chinese graduate diploma and degree certificate and certified english translation?

    • 很多人phD毕业了也没交这些材料,不用费劲了
      • 听说conditional offer的condition不满足就不转成正式offer,也就不能注册,不是这样么?
    • 现在国内的学位都可以去北京的一个国家级学位认证中心认证一下,有一点类似于以前的公正吧。不过是高教部办的,办公室在清华里面吧。Conditional Offer意思就是是要到达了要求才生效的Offer。不然还是不行。