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Thank you everyone for your concern, i think i got the answer from Ministry of Labour website.

Quote:What if employment ends before an employee has taken vacation?

An employee might quit or have his or her employment terminated before receiving all of the vacation pay he or she has earned. In that case, the employer must pay the vacation pay owing to the employee (at least four per cent of the gross wages earned in each vacation entitlement year or stub period, less any of that vacation pay already paid--(see "Gross wages: what's included and what's not?"). This amount must be paid no later than seven days after the employment ended, or on what would have been the employee's next pay day, whichever is later.

Because vacation pay is earned as a percentage of wages, an employee who has earned any wages will have some vacation pay entitlement. For example, if an employee paid by the hour works just one hour, he or she will be entitled to at least four per cent of the hour's wages as vacation pay

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 问一个关于劳工法的问题,老公几个月前找到一份permanent job,但在两个多月时,即没过试用期,被裁,老板没给付holiday pay,想知道老板这样做对吗。哪里可以查到相关法律依据。谢谢帮忙,很郁闷。
      • U sure?
        • yes
    • 两个月能有多少vacationpay?假设你老公年薪12万,两个月2万,vacationpay 20,000*0.04=800. 和你老公2万收入比起来,皮都不算,撇气了。我看你同一个问题问了好多次,想开些,保重身体最重要。
      • i'm not talking about the amount, i'm talking about the law,the right,if you don't have any idea, please leave me alone.
        • 辣白菜,看开些。一点小钱,不重要;有些时候,出口气也真的不是那么重要,
          • 说的在理.
      • this time you are nicer, i feel better.
    • 对。Full Time job试用期内Vacation是没有Pay的,我问了我们HR的人了。
      • 有的有,当年我就拿到了。
    • 我觉得vacation pay和holiday pay是不一样的。法定vacation pay是工资的4%, 试用期有的公司给,有的不给。holiday pay 是工作的两个月间如果遇到国家公休日, 象Canada Day, 公司都应该PAY的.
      • 你说反了,法定vacation pay一定要给,哪怕你只干了几个小时,
        • 我听说有的人试用期没有,我是有的
    • 4% vacation pay for all job (by hour rate or annual rate), if the employee didn't take vacation (public holiday is not count as vacation). It can be paid by cash or day off.
      • Thank you everyone for your concern, i think i got the answer from Ministry of Labour website.
        Quote:What if employment ends before an employee has taken vacation?

        An employee might quit or have his or her employment terminated before receiving all of the vacation pay he or she has earned. In that case, the employer must pay the vacation pay owing to the employee (at least four per cent of the gross wages earned in each vacation entitlement year or stub period, less any of that vacation pay already paid--(see "Gross wages: what's included and what's not?"). This amount must be paid no later than seven days after the employment ended, or on what would have been the employee's next pay day, whichever is later.

        Because vacation pay is earned as a percentage of wages, an employee who has earned any wages will have some vacation pay entitlement. For example, if an employee paid by the hour works just one hour, he or she will be entitled to at least four per cent of the hour's wages as vacation pay
        • 你自己整糊涂了。vacation pay 是必须给的。holiday pay 过了试用期才有。  
          • 我越听越迷糊了,按你的说法,试用期内遇到圣诞假,要减工资不成?
    • the total 4 weeks payment before holiday divided by 20 is the holiday paymeny .so your husband should get the holiday pay on full
    • and of course he will get 4% vacation pay doesnt matter how long has he worked
      • thank u everyone,he got his vacation pay already at 4%