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什么是假释?(摘自安省假释局 Ontario Parole and Earned Release Board 网站)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛* Parole is the early release of an offender from prison under the supervision of a parole officer. Only a Parole Board can make decisions about parole.

* Probation is a sentence to community supervision imposed by a judge.

* Parole does not shorten the sentence; 1/3 of the sentence is served in prison and the remaining 2/3 is served in the community on parole.

* If parole is denied, the offender must be released, by law, after serving 2/3 of the sentence; in effect, the sentence is shortened when parole is not granted.

* The Ontario Parole and Earned Release Board handles all adult offenders in the province, who have prison sentences of under two years; the National Parole Board handles all offenders who have prison sentences of two years or more.

* Day parole, which allows the offender to be out of custody during the day for program purposes, only applies to offenders released by the National Parole Board.

* Only adult offenders are eligible to be considered for parole. Young Offenders are not eligible for parole.

* Parole hearings are held in correctional institutions where offenders are incarcerated.

* A quorum of two Board members sits to hear and consider each and every case.

* The Parole Board will only grant parole if it is satisfied that: the offender will not, by re-offending, present an undue risk to society before the expiration of sentence; and, the release of the offender will contribute to the protection of society by facilitating reintegration (Federal Corrections and Conditional Release Act).

* Any interested party, including victims, may make submissions to the Parole Board for due consideration.

* There are standard conditions set in legislation which a parolee must abide by and, often, special conditions (e.g., attending a treatment program, abstaining from alcohol) set be the parole Board for that particular case.

* A parolee is required to report to the parole officer and police department immediately on reaching his or her home community. Thereafter, the parolee reports to the parole officer a minimum of twice per month for the first three months, then at least once per month.

* If a parolee breaks a parole condition, then parole may be suspended whereupon the offender is returned immediately to jail.

* Suspended parolees are seen by the Board at post-suspension hearings, where parole may be revoked. Where parole is revoked, the offender serves the remaining portion of the sentence in custody.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 什么是假释?(摘自安省假释局 Ontario Parole and Earned Release Board 网站)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛* Parole is the early release of an offender from prison under the supervision of a parole officer. Only a Parole Board can make decisions about parole.

    * Probation is a sentence to community supervision imposed by a judge.

    * Parole does not shorten the sentence; 1/3 of the sentence is served in prison and the remaining 2/3 is served in the community on parole.

    * If parole is denied, the offender must be released, by law, after serving 2/3 of the sentence; in effect, the sentence is shortened when parole is not granted.

    * The Ontario Parole and Earned Release Board handles all adult offenders in the province, who have prison sentences of under two years; the National Parole Board handles all offenders who have prison sentences of two years or more.

    * Day parole, which allows the offender to be out of custody during the day for program purposes, only applies to offenders released by the National Parole Board.

    * Only adult offenders are eligible to be considered for parole. Young Offenders are not eligible for parole.

    * Parole hearings are held in correctional institutions where offenders are incarcerated.

    * A quorum of two Board members sits to hear and consider each and every case.

    * The Parole Board will only grant parole if it is satisfied that: the offender will not, by re-offending, present an undue risk to society before the expiration of sentence; and, the release of the offender will contribute to the protection of society by facilitating reintegration (Federal Corrections and Conditional Release Act).

    * Any interested party, including victims, may make submissions to the Parole Board for due consideration.

    * There are standard conditions set in legislation which a parolee must abide by and, often, special conditions (e.g., attending a treatment program, abstaining from alcohol) set be the parole Board for that particular case.

    * A parolee is required to report to the parole officer and police department immediately on reaching his or her home community. Thereafter, the parolee reports to the parole officer a minimum of twice per month for the first three months, then at least once per month.

    * If a parolee breaks a parole condition, then parole may be suspended whereupon the offender is returned immediately to jail.

    * Suspended parolees are seen by the Board at post-suspension hearings, where parole may be revoked. Where parole is revoked, the offender serves the remaining portion of the sentence in custody.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • * If parole is denied, the offender must be released, by law, after serving 2/3 of the sentence; in effect, the sentence is shortened when parole is not granted. 这段我不明白,难道假释未获批准就得释放罪犯?
      • Yes. A parole is applied for at 1/3 of the sentense. If it is denied, the term is then shortened and the criminal is release at 2/3 of sentense.
        • 这是不是说所有的有期徒刑在监狱里的时间都是3.3折到6.7折呢?