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How does foreigner think about China. -- quote from "Economist" Apr 8th 2000

“IF YOU think,” says a high administration official in Washington, DC, “what will be required for economic success in the globalisation that is exploding around us—technically dynamic, information-rich, highly entrepreneurial—then the winners in that environment will be those able to provide at least the following...” He counts on his fingers.“Free access to global information and markets. Protection of physical and intellectual property. People able to speak and associate freely. A government that has sufficient legitimacy to feel comfortable joining the global economy. An educated population. And a rules-based polity...This is a set of qualities that does not conform to a highly authoritarian system.” That, put simply, is the case for political change in China.
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  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 纽约唐人街
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛纽约和费城拥有美东地区最大规模的两个唐人街,两个城市之间车程约两个小时,有福州人经营的往返十五元的shuttle,(Grayhound oneway $20)。
    唐人街聚居的是广东话和福州话族群,乡亲关系错综复杂,黑势力猖獗。走在唐人街,有种时光倒流五十年的感觉,” 黄大仙测字“之类繁体字的招牌里散发着陈腐愚昧的气味,海鲜店的浑水一直流淌到大街中央,财神爷的供位高悬在每一间厅堂最显眼的地方。

    过了容闳的雕像,麦当劳就在街的那一边。朱红色的大门上挂着一块金匾用繁体中文写着“麦当劳” 三个黑色大字。朋友要十点钟才回来,这么冷的天,我可以到麦当劳里喝杯咖啡,复习会儿功课。

    推开门,把我吓了一跳,店里的气氛很怪异,装修是所谓中国情调的,靠墙有假山,石头上有流水,流水汇进底下一个池子里,池底铺满了一层硬币。和其它明亮干净的分店不同的是,除了最里面的counter和工作间,店里的照明只靠屋顶垂下的三四盏吊灯,投洒着幽暗暧昧的橙黄色光。除了角落了有两个十几岁的黑发黄肤的小姑娘,店里的八九个小方桌都被三三两两看起来来很潦倒的老人(有黄种人,白人和黑人)占据着,桌上往往只有一两杯茶水。还有一些华人青年手插在裤兜里在走道上闲逛或者百无聊赖地靠在墙边。离柜台最近的地方还有一把空椅子,我把重重的背包放在椅子上,到柜台排队,一个三十多岁的长发中国人走过来,在我的背包前。晃晃悠悠。我警惕地盯着我的包(实在太重了) ,有时和那人四目相对,我也看不出他到底有什么居心。

    拿了咖啡坐下。在这样的环境下也看不进去课本,索性就打量起这些形形色色的脸孔起来。店里不断有越来越多的人进来,也不点什么东西,看起来好象都在等待什么。两个面色灰暗的中国女人的谈话从我临座的座位上传来:”He said I love you first then your body”. .


    这时候一个讲广东话的老太太在店堂中央神色激动地抓住每一个人好象在讲述一件发生在她身上的一件很不公平的事,声音很大。对面的男人说了一句“garbage”, 见我看了他一眼,停止了手上正磕的瓜子,向我凑近了身体声音说do you understand Chinese”, 我点点头,他压低了声音神秘地说“人渣,这些都是人渣你知道吗。”


    “看那只鸡,五官还行,不过太胖了点,意大利女人就是这样,年纪一大就不行了” ,鸭舌帽又从口袋里摸出几颗瓜子。他嘴唇颜色很红,看起来心里有些不舒服。


    他要干什么?我心里怪怪的。没有心思听鸭舌帽关于“人渣” 的言论。




    不要这样的唐人街。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Hey, ely, are you in toronto right now? How's everything?
      • I will take the train to Toronto on March 1st. My husband will arrive on 4th..he want me to meet him at airport..
    • Seems I'd better give up my mind of moving to the States. So horrible.
      • you will not live in the Chinatown when you move to the States, though Canada cities are better than those in the States
        • agree,
          but USA doesn't have big Chinese communities as in Canada i guess..I mean for new educated immigrants not those Old Chinese communities in China Town. Chinese Americans scatter over the country, sometimes you will feel the life is peaceful, comfortable but a little bit lonely..
    • 别管事物好坏,存在即真理.唐人街给海外华人至少在心灵上提供了个归宿感.在我们想吃酱油叉烧的时候知道那有卖.



      • in the eyes of many Americans, China Town is the miniture China.. That's what i can't accept.
        • In the eyes of many Chinese, America is a place of Sex, AIDS, violence, do they care?
          • they don't care because they believe they are the strongest and the most adorable country in the world.
            • We care because we never feel we are the best and we always want to learn to be somebody else.
          • US is much better than China, and it better than Canada for sure
            that is why most of the chinese move to the US after they get their citizenships, and you can see a lot of canadians the companies in NY/NJ/CT area ( not only canadian chinese, but also canadian whites)
            • it depends
              • overall
    • 到过唐人街,你就知道为什么西方容易接受张一某的电影。。。
      • 以前西方人对日本的认识是倆肥嘟嘟的人扭打在一起(相扑),现在是Honda,toyata.相扑成了吸引他们的日本文化之一.自己都看不起自己如何让别人看起你?美国好?见任见智了.
        • Great!!
        • 我想你已忘记当初你为什么要移民了.
          • 等你象我一样在海外生活了七年,或许会体会到其中的感受吧.
        • 同意。总觉得中国人最缺的就是民族自信心。
          • Roller, 活得象你这么明白的人不多, 敬礼敬礼.
            • How does foreigner think about China. -- quote from "Economist" Apr 8th 2000
              “IF YOU think,” says a high administration official in Washington, DC, “what will be required for economic success in the globalisation that is exploding around us—technically dynamic, information-rich, highly entrepreneurial—then the winners in that environment will be those able to provide at least the following...” He counts on his fingers.“Free access to global information and markets. Protection of physical and intellectual property. People able to speak and associate freely. A government that has sufficient legitimacy to feel comfortable joining the global economy. An educated population. And a rules-based polity...This is a set of qualities that does not conform to a highly authoritarian system.” That, put simply, is the case for political change in China.
              • every nation should work on the list, an ideal concept of a "Country". China needs at least 30 yrs to accomplist, thinking it positively, half of it.- my thought
              • That's basically the same as what my wife's boss, an american, said: 'China (PRC) is a different part of the world' .
          • 连这些极有民族自信心的人都急着向英女王示忠,遗民们自然就少了些自信。
            • 这为仁兄,知道吗,你的这句话就是对自己缺少自信的最佳代表。以为只有拿着中国护照永远终于毛主席共产党才是真正的爱国者,而宣誓效忠女王歌唱加拿大好就是背叛祖宗。我们什么时候才能解除自己对自己的禁锢呢?

            • "人往高处走",选择一块适合自己的土地乃人之常情.有人移民是为了圆自己的梦,有人是为了赶一种风尚,有人是为了向布什英女王示忠. 不知这位"国人"老兄是属于第二类.还是第三类?
              我一直就以是个中国人而骄傲,即使国籍变了,我还是个中国人. 我指的中国人是"民族"这个族群, 而不是拥有"PRC"的护照.

              如果我所骄傲的"族群"里有过多的只会说风凉话,对自己没有很清楚认识的人, 我会很失望的.
          • “只有民族的才是世界的“ 不是我说的。