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is plea guilty really affect his future? http://www.womanabuseprevention.com/html/long_version.html

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛http://www.womanabuseprevention.com/html/long_version.html
The Domestic Violence Courts

There are two new court systems in certain communities in Ontario (the list of these courts is at the back of this pamphlet). Each is different but both improve the criminal justice response to domestic violence. Both courts create a more sensitive and respectful system for you.

The first court is a domestic violence plea court. A case is heard there if:

this is the first time the accused is criminally charged with domestic violence
there are no significant or visible physical injuries to you
no weapons were used during the assault
you agree to this process after it is explained to you.
You and the accused are both told that if he pleads guilty, he will be ordered by the court to go to a Male Batterers programme for counselling. Community agencies deliver these programs.

While the accused goes to the programme he can live with you if that's what you want.

A worker from the Male Batterers programme contacts you from time to time to make sure you are safe and to give you information.

When the accused finishes the programme, he returns to court. If you agree and you still feel safe, the accused receives a sentence that is not a criminal record. He will be on probation for the length of time the judge decides.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 求助:关于加拿大911 谢谢
    一个朋友夫妻吵架, 妻子打了911, 丈夫被警察起诉. 现在, 夫妻都想把事情大化小, 小化没. 妻子作为受害人, 被告知: 只要丈夫在法庭上认罪, 并且夫妻都表示愿意生活在一起, 丈夫就可以回家了.
    现在夫妻都担心的是: 两个人都是移民身份, 都没有入籍, 丈夫认罪后, 会不会对移民身份有影响, 特别是丈夫的移民身份.
    请各位兄弟姐妹帮帮忙, 出个主意.帮帮我的朋友,衷心的, 谢谢大家了.
    • 蠢女人可真多阿
      • 现在需要的是有建设性的意见,任何事情都是事出有因。
        • 事出有因,结果自负。都上法庭了,除了求情,没有其他方法。
          • 怎样求情呢,可否说的详细一点,谢谢。
        • 感叹一下而已。专业问题问专业人士,找律师,没钱就找社区或者附近大学里的免费法律咨询。
      • (#2724949)Here is some females thinking.
    • 对于这种女人,要是我,出来之后,马上离。
      • 实际上,一个男人没有男人样子,女人也没有任何想过下去的愿望,只是觉得他是儿子的爹,和律师说:还想和他在一起生活,也只是想让他先从这件事里摆脱出来。
        • 既然你知道他是儿子的爹,就不应该报警。如果事出有因,比如,他打你,你可以警告他要报警,并告诉他后果,他还继续,你就可以报,但报了就不要后悔。
          • 已经警告过了,星期五警告过的,星期六继续大,才报的
            • 在报警之前警告
              • 这位同学中文需要回炉了。都说了周五警告过了,周六还打。还怎么警告?// 就不能理解这坛子里怎么就有那么多头XX对打老婆这件事认为很正常?
                • 谢谢老师拍砖!我的意思是在报警之前给他最后警告,毕竟那样做对他不好。我心肠软,做太绝的事之前都要犹豫,以求理由充分。
                  • 朋友告诉我,打电话的时候,情绪非常激动,同时,男人不但不阻拦,还站在一边激将:你打,你打!大家看,这电话能不打吗?
                    • 没啥说的, 俩傻子
                      • 我最讨厌落井下石的人,请规避
                        • 她说的没错,这2个就是傻子,男的特傻。
                    • 我的建议和忠告:夫妻二人无论发生什么事,都不要动手(可以采用其它的发泄方式,比如摔东西),有理说理,觉得能过就在一起过,不能过就好合好散,相聚相识是一种缘分,没必要分手就成仇人。做重大决定或事情的时候确保冷静的头脑。
                      • 摔东西同样是暴力,照样报警。解决方法一个字:离!
            • 不知道说啥好。这样过下去有什么意义?周五警告了,周六还打?然后还要接着和这种人过日子?
              • 接不接着过,是另外一个问题,现在是如何让男人把损失降到最小。
                • 找个律师吧。这里恐怕没有专业法律人士能帮忙出主意。
                • 那样的还用你同学为他操心? 让他自己享受去吧
                  • 估计是一日夫妻百日恩,不想做得太绝吧。
                • 知道为什么这个男人打老婆?老婆太懦弱。帮什么帮?他打的时候想过被欺负的是他老婆吗? 这种男人理他干什么啊,你帮了他都不会感激你的,还恨你当初报911,还不如坚强到底,打人就要受到911的惩罚。
                  • 我也这么劝她,可是, 总之,千丝万缕的联系,我朋友还是希望好和好散,不要毁人一辈子
                    • 对人好要看对方是谁,这种打她欺负她的人,就应该得到惩罚,我看帮这种男人是多余的,也是做傻事。
                      • 同意
                        • 看了我气死,呵呵,这种打她的男人还去帮他,真是个小笨笨
                          • 要是没有打坏,那男的却因此而有犯罪记录,不能旅行,不能找到好工作,前程就毁了。
                            • 他活该,动手前就应该想好后果。成人了又不是3岁小孩。
                              • 人失去理智的时候和小孩没差别;难道从来没有好的时候吗?
        • 1.2.3
          1. 和婚姻比较起来,官司和身份应该更容易处理。
          2. 法庭上怎么说都行,回家以后如何一起生活才是更大的问题.
          3. 为什么结婚?为什么需要一个身份?问题对了,才知道如何去面对。
      • 有骨气,干吗不 离了再出来啊?
        • 可以
        • 据我所知,他们两个是自由恋爱,结婚和出国几乎是同时进行,发生矛盾也是在国外。
          • that's not the point!
            • waht do you mean
          • my post was to #2725305, not to your original post. :-)..........of coz I hope they work out, maybe calm down and talked out what's going wrong .
            • 我从来不打老婆,疼还来不及哪,那里舍得打呀。
              • i always believe, if you are not at the certain position yourself, you are not supposed to talk like your are at that position. :-)
                • she is my good friend like my sister
                  • ohhh, sometimes some people take the anger to themselves on the people around them.....that's not fair, talk to prefessional psychologist might help.
                  • I don't think her husband is also your good friend like your brother. So that's unfair to him. Everyone will say he is right and others are wrong when conflict.
                    • 不论任何原因,出手打老婆就是错。周五警告,周六接着打,就是错上加错。没办法同情。
                      • 说得好,为所有心有苦情的姐妹,谢谢你
                        • 不能一起过也不要毁了他的前程。夫妻一场么
      • 所以你不了解一个不被老工疼的女人的感受
    • 既然他不心疼你,你警告他要报警还敢动手,你就让他尝尝911被惩罚的滋味。何必心软?他打你的时候他为什么不心软?女人应该坚强点,他已经是成人了,应该得到教训。以后他就知道动手的后果了,别去帮他求情,他活该!
      • 对,警告过,机会也给了,他仍然死不悔改,就没有什么自责的了.
        • 俗话说一日夫妻百日恩,一点不珍惜还打老婆的男人就是孬种,外面做缩头乌龟,家里,凭力气大欺负老婆,就应该让这种人关进去几天教训教训。
          • 也有道理,理虽如此,人心向善,感同身受,何去何从?
            • 一味善良并不对,就是因为太善良,得到给男人打的地步。第一次动手时候就应该教训这只雄性动物了。你朋友应该庆幸是在加拿大,在中国如果给老公打死,也没有人帮她的。
    • 写点英文来看看。什么叫认罪?是plea guilty 还是sign a peace bond?如果是后者就签,前者不可以接受。
      • 好像有点意思, 能具体说说吗?
        • 这有点学习材料你看看。尼的目的是和解,不是认罪。跟本就不要走到要plea那一步。
          • 你需要一个老爷,不要怕花钱。911都打了,这老爷的钱也是非花不可了。
          • 庭外和解就是peace bond agreement, 双方签了就可以让那个家伙没有犯罪记录,没有犯罪记录应该就不会影响他的移民身份,我的猜测对吗?
    • 你这不是在帮人,是在害人。
    • try to get a peace-bond agreement. u'd better ask a criminal lawyer. if the peace-bond agreement is not regarded as a criminal conviction, both of them would be fine.
      • is plea guilty really affect his future? http://www.womanabuseprevention.com/html/long_version.html
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛http://www.womanabuseprevention.com/html/long_version.html
        The Domestic Violence Courts

        There are two new court systems in certain communities in Ontario (the list of these courts is at the back of this pamphlet). Each is different but both improve the criminal justice response to domestic violence. Both courts create a more sensitive and respectful system for you.

        The first court is a domestic violence plea court. A case is heard there if:

        this is the first time the accused is criminally charged with domestic violence
        there are no significant or visible physical injuries to you
        no weapons were used during the assault
        you agree to this process after it is explained to you.
        You and the accused are both told that if he pleads guilty, he will be ordered by the court to go to a Male Batterers programme for counselling. Community agencies deliver these programs.

        While the accused goes to the programme he can live with you if that's what you want.

        A worker from the Male Batterers programme contacts you from time to time to make sure you are safe and to give you information.

        When the accused finishes the programme, he returns to court. If you agree and you still feel safe, the accused receives a sentence that is not a criminal record. He will be on probation for the length of time the judge decides.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • peace bond不须要认罪
          • 怎样才能达成这样的协议呢?需要注意什么吗?谢谢
            • ask a lawyer, usually, the 1st half hour will be free. u save more by seeking professional advice than getting it done in an inappropiate way.
    • 听说中区糖人街有个越南华人小子,两三岁随UNCLE移民加拿大, 到加拿大18年后,英语还是很烂,没法通过入籍考试, 仍然为PR身份, 后犯小罪,按律要发回原籍, 可怜小子自小在荚果长大, 越南早就是个陌生的地方, 发回原籍后实难生活. 可叹可叹!
      • 难道这小子没上学?
        • 穷人的孩子早LABOR
    • 只怨她没有嫁个上海小男人
      • 上海小男人.hahahahahahaha