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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛网站:www.voyage.gc.ca
标题:China, Including the Hong Kong Special Adminstrative Region, A guide for Canadian Visitors

Dual Nationality and Canadian Consular Services

China, like many countries, does not recognize a person's right to have more than one nationality (citizenship). Under the laws of China, when a citizen of China obtains a second nationality, there is a loss of Chinese citizenship. In pratice, however, recognition of Canadian citizenship is not automatic. There have been cases where Chinese authorities have refused to recognize the Canadian citizenship of persons who had travelled to Canada on a Chinese Public Affairs passport and not returned to China, or had travelled to Canada at state expense and not returned to China. In these cases, Chinese authorities consider you still to be a Chinese citizen untill you have gone through an official process to remounce Chinese citizenship. The proper procedures for doing this are not entirely clear, and a Chinese embassy or consulate should be consulted for specific information.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 加拿大政府有关原中国公民关于拥有中国加拿大双重国籍的提醒:(中国政府)承认加拿大公民不是自动的...(种种已知原因)...中国政府认为你仍是中国公民直至你通过正式程序断绝中国公民身份(原文见内)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛网站:www.voyage.gc.ca
    标题:China, Including the Hong Kong Special Adminstrative Region, A guide for Canadian Visitors

    Dual Nationality and Canadian Consular Services

    China, like many countries, does not recognize a person's right to have more than one nationality (citizenship). Under the laws of China, when a citizen of China obtains a second nationality, there is a loss of Chinese citizenship. In pratice, however, recognition of Canadian citizenship is not automatic. There have been cases where Chinese authorities have refused to recognize the Canadian citizenship of persons who had travelled to Canada on a Chinese Public Affairs passport and not returned to China, or had travelled to Canada at state expense and not returned to China. In these cases, Chinese authorities consider you still to be a Chinese citizen untill you have gone through an official process to remounce Chinese citizenship. The proper procedures for doing this are not entirely clear, and a Chinese embassy or consulate should be consulted for specific information.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 如果加拿大政府可以提中国政府解释法律,嘿嘿,你觉得中国还能存在西方所谓的人权问题吗?幼稚
    • 通俗地说, 就是以前拿了公派过来黑掉以后拿的加拿大身份, 中国是不承认的, 除非你退钱写自白书... 类似情况的同志们, 回中国要三思了.
    • 具有中国国籍的人拿着中国护照也有可能不能进入中国的,其他事就更难说了。不过按照国籍法,我们的一般理解就是取得外国国籍,中国国籍自动取消。
    • 如果中国政府不承认你取得的加拿大国籍,你去了中国后还能让你再回加拿大?
    • 说白了就是中国政府RESEVED ITS RIGHTS TO REGARD YOU AS A CHINESE CITIZEN。有好处, 比如有个大领导的儿子在美国生了个小孩那个大领导说:谁说我的孙子是美国公民, 俺还要他接我的班呢。