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I came here 7 months ago. If you landed at that time, I am sure you could find a job within 3 months.

Now, the whole industry doesn't seem nice, but sure you will find a job within months.

Remember to read some technical books, which will:
1. Learn all the technics in that field, because some of them you have never had chance to use (I believe).
2. Recall your memory of these details that you did long time ago.
3. It will also give you some high level view of it.

The reason you need to do this, is that you don't know what exactly you will do in you new job, and also you will have a lot of interviews and/or tests here. Be sharpen, be confident, that's all.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请教各位在加的IT大虾:PowerBuilder + Oracle 好找工吗?Developer2000 + Oracle 又如何?
    • 好像还可以吧. 数据库是除JAVA之外的又一热点.
    • As far as my understanding, PowerBuilder is NOT popular here. But Oracle is a great one. I think you should prepared for Oracle, and when you have time, take a look at VB (if you know PB, VB is quite easy).
    • Always SQL Server+VB or Developer 2000+Oracle+UNIX common knowledge. For Oracle, there're more chances but you'd better has some application development experience.
    • Some company doesn't like Oracle Report, so they use Cognos or Crystal Report to build report.
    • 谢谢Rollor,bloor,Oracle ! 我的情况是熟悉Oracle,能熟练编写PL/SQL,有多年使用DP,PB等工具开发基于Oracle数据库应用的经验,也能作一些普通的DBA工作。不知我的情况是否就是你们所说的应用开发经验,还是特指需掌握其它开发工具,按我现在的情形找工前景如何?
      • 我是外行。感觉你背景还不错。落地后,到各种电脑培训学校上一些免费公开课,确定自己需不需要再学点什么,到人力资源部让人润色一下简历,学一下求职技巧,很快就会有结果的。
        • 谢谢!
      • I came here 7 months ago. If you landed at that time, I am sure you could find a job within 3 months.
        Now, the whole industry doesn't seem nice, but sure you will find a job within months.

        Remember to read some technical books, which will:
        1. Learn all the technics in that field, because some of them you have never had chance to use (I believe).
        2. Recall your memory of these details that you did long time ago.
        3. It will also give you some high level view of it.

        The reason you need to do this, is that you don't know what exactly you will do in you new job, and also you will have a lot of interviews and/or tests here. Be sharpen, be confident, that's all.
        • Thank you very much! Your information is really helpful.
      • If you have enough time, try to learn more JAVA or take OCP
      • sounds good, but you need in-depth understanding about Oracle if you want to be a DBA , rather than just "know something". The interview sucks, get prepared