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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛OTTAWA, July 5, 2005 — The Honourable Joe Volpe, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, today announced the appointment of two citizenship judges.

Lawrence (Larry) Shaben is an esteemed community and business leader in Edmonton. A former minister for the Province of Alberta, Mr. Shaben has served as Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Minister of Housing and Minister of Utilities and Telephones, and as a member of the Legislative Assembly from 1975 to 1989. He is an active community volunteer, serving as the current chairman of the Edmonton Council of Muslim Communities and as a patron of the Alberta Heritage Foundation, among other community endeavours. Mr. Shaben was appointed a citizenship judge in Edmonton.

Sarkis Assadourian is a well-known and well-respected community leader in the Greater Toronto Area. A former member of Parliament, he is also the former Executive Director of the Armenian Community Centre in North York. As a member of Parliament, Mr. Assadourian was the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration. He was appointed a citizenship judge in Toronto.

Citizenship judges are appointed by order-in-council and are responsible for making decisions with regard to applications, presiding over citizenship ceremonies and administering the oath of citizenship to new citizens.


For more information:

Stephen Heckbert
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
(613) 954-1064更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 网上进度2月17日开始Process,4月27日到Local,我在Edmonton申请的,不知何时能考试。请问有没有朋友知道这里的进度大概如何。
    • 我也在EDMONTON,和你的进度一模一样.
    • 请问你们什么时候交的申请和第一封信? 谢谢
        • 看来有消息的都是去年9月之前的申请,9月之后的连第一封信都要等5个月,下一步不晓得要什么年月了。
        • me too
          • 一并致谢
            • 应不是九月以后的,应是8月9日以后他们收到的,都是5个月收第一封信。
              • 有谁知道内幕么? 到底CIC在搞什么鬼?
    • 请问按指摸是在转到LOCAL之前还是之后?
      • 我还没有被要求按指模。这个不是必须的。但应该是到Local以后,因为你要当着法官的面按。
        • 当着法官按? 听谁说的?
          • 一个朋友被要求按过。 如果你不在加拿大,可以去使馆按。
            • 按指纹倒没什么稀奇的,我奇怪的是要当着法官面按指纹,这就奇怪了,按指纹应该是去警察局吧?我当初移民的时候搞过一次
              • 不知道,他是这么说的。
    • 我也在Edmonton, 去年9月底寄出材料,网上查询10月4日收到材料,2月27号开始处理,同日寄给我信和一本书,4月27号转到Local。 问题是我到现在还没收到任何信件和书。
      • CIC只是这麽说,我的显示7月29日收到并寄出,实际上收到的信上的日期为8月15日,真正收到是9月底。我猜他们是电脑系统自动打印,然后分批一起发信,而不是天天都发。
    • sunfire和 wwf有进展吗?我什么消息也没有.
      • 没有。估计要等上一段了。我的朋友刚刚考完试,人家告诉他宣誓要等三到六个月,因为Edmonton没有法官要到别地去调云云。简直是不可思议的理由。
        • 听说每年71都有一大批宣誓入籍的,不知道我们能否赶上?没有法官一说实在是令人难以置信.
          • 实在是很荒谬,去年我同屋宣誓时说那时候等宣誓的都积压了上千人了,这么多人申请的地方,加拿大第六大城市居然没有入籍法官?
          • The previous judge was a contractor, he wanted more money but edmonton CIC rejected. He left. The immigrant affaire is the lowest issue in Canadian government agenda
            • 现在Edmonton有入籍法官了,刚任命的
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛OTTAWA, July 5, 2005 — The Honourable Joe Volpe, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, today announced the appointment of two citizenship judges.

              Lawrence (Larry) Shaben is an esteemed community and business leader in Edmonton. A former minister for the Province of Alberta, Mr. Shaben has served as Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Minister of Housing and Minister of Utilities and Telephones, and as a member of the Legislative Assembly from 1975 to 1989. He is an active community volunteer, serving as the current chairman of the Edmonton Council of Muslim Communities and as a patron of the Alberta Heritage Foundation, among other community endeavours. Mr. Shaben was appointed a citizenship judge in Edmonton.

              Sarkis Assadourian is a well-known and well-respected community leader in the Greater Toronto Area. A former member of Parliament, he is also the former Executive Director of the Armenian Community Centre in North York. As a member of Parliament, Mr. Assadourian was the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration. He was appointed a citizenship judge in Toronto.

              Citizenship judges are appointed by order-in-council and are responsible for making decisions with regard to applications, presiding over citizenship ceremonies and administering the oath of citizenship to new citizens.


              For more information:

              Stephen Heckbert
              Director of Communications
              Office of the Minister
              Citizenship and Immigration Canada
              (613) 954-1064更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • The previous judge's contract expired in july, 2004, now thye appointed a new judge after 1 year. Dare they treat local Canadian like this?
                • 另外一个朋友20日刚考完,被告之宣誓还要等3到4个月,因为新法官还在培训。
                  • 这个还要培训?.......晕死
        • 刚打过电话,我的FILE已经COMPLETE,正等待安排考试,不需要按指摸,你也可以打电话问一下.
          • 恭喜你,希望快了。我现在在国内,没有办法打电话,甘心等吧。你有好消息一定通知一声,也许我们可以一起考试。
          • Hi, Laoduo, 你有新消息了吗?
            • Hi, Laoduo, 你打电话到联邦问的还是edmonton问的?
              • 我都是打call centre
              • sorry, 最近忙,没上来.我都是打CALL CENTER,还在等待安排考试.
                • Edmonton大概是全加最慢的了,我的还没到呢,今年不晓得能不能考完,靠。
          • 刚打CIC电话, 昨天刚做decision, 9月7号考试。总结流程:去年10月交材料,2月处理,4月26号到Edmonton, 8月10号local decision, 9月7号考试。 据call centre的人说edmonton一般考试后3个月再宣誓。
            • 恭喜恭喜,终于有人有消息了。不知道Laoduo们是不是也在打电话问,希望大家尽快考呀。
    • 终于收到信了。 8月23日考试,时间太短,差一点订不上机票。希望大家都有好消息!
      • 我8月19号考
    • 考完了。2分钟交卷。现在又没有法官了,要到别处借,每月最多两次,每次最多100人,现已积压上千人,最快要等4-5个月才能宣誓,我估计会到1月份去了。
      • 谢谢,下定决心了,考完了就转到别处去
    • 我9月30日宣誓,真够快的,考试的时候还说至少要等待4-5个月.sunfire也快了吧?
      • 恭喜恭喜.我赶紧查了一下,不过没有新消息,你是几号知道的?
        • 我今天刚看到,说8月31好寄信给我. 另外,我发了PM给你,请查收!
        • 又发了PM给你,请查收
          • 网上今天查到, 9月29日宣誓,奇怪呀
            • 恭喜二位前辈,看来在加快处理你们这些积压案子了。
              • thanks
            • 那你是不是又要回来一趟了?
              • 是呀,又忙着订票。刚刚把时差倒过来。
              • PM
      • Edmonton的朋友最近有进展吗?
        • 没进展,8月中旬转到edmonton然后没动静了,找上面几位的经历来看估计要等到年底才有考试通知
          • 接到10月28号考试的通知。随信来的还有一张声明没有prohibitions under the citizenship act的表格,大家是不是也是收到这个东西?这个是不是考试那天当面交回去就行了?
    • Edmonton和laoduo都宣誓完了吧,这个周末听到什么好消息没有?
      • 宣誓完了,护照拿到了。希望你早日宣誓!其他的消息我就不清楚了。
        • 你周末一天就办好护照了?护照办公室上班吗?
          • 周四下午宣誓完即去交表,周五上午他们就打电话给所有的Reference,周二拿到的护照,事先告诉他们我订了周三的机票。
    • Edmonton的兄弟们有什么进展没有? 我9月初考的试。太慢了!好多美国面试去不了, 郁闷啊。
      • 我也是