Using this online dictionary you can hear almost all the English word pronunciation.
Key in "can", "can't", and"cannot" respectively, click that little speaker icon, then listen to their different pronunciations. With fewer exceptions, ending consonants should be stressed. For example, in BlooR, cooL, and franK, if you miss 'R','L',and 'K', the listener will get hard time to understand you. As English learners our best bet is to make sure that people can hear the ending consonants.
Either can you pronounce 'cannot' as 'kant' if you prefer a British accent, or you put an emphasis on the ending consonant 't'. Another simple way to approach this problem is just pronounce it like 'can not'.
The above is my 2 cents worth.
Key in "can", "can't", and"cannot" respectively, click that little speaker icon, then listen to their different pronunciations. With fewer exceptions, ending consonants should be stressed. For example, in BlooR, cooL, and franK, if you miss 'R','L',and 'K', the listener will get hard time to understand you. As English learners our best bet is to make sure that people can hear the ending consonants.
Either can you pronounce 'cannot' as 'kant' if you prefer a British accent, or you put an emphasis on the ending consonant 't'. Another simple way to approach this problem is just pronounce it like 'can not'.
The above is my 2 cents worth.