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Canada - Good place

my experience for sharing in Canada

about one month ago, I phoned police office and complained that someone was always throw glass bottle or eletric bulb to my yard, which make my family very nervous and I was worrying that someday, my kids would be hurt. The glasses spread everywhere. I believe that's some teenage did this with race eye.

It happened 4 times and fortunately, this teenage moved out from my community and since then it never happened again. (I wish)

Tonight, the police phoned me back and follow-up my complain, which I can nerver expect in China. Although the police may not be able to do anything for this, the police is very reponsive or the police system here is pretty good....

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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / Canada - Good place
    my experience for sharing in Canada

    about one month ago, I phoned police office and complained that someone was always throw glass bottle or eletric bulb to my yard, which make my family very nervous and I was worrying that someday, my kids would be hurt. The glasses spread everywhere. I believe that's some teenage did this with race eye.

    It happened 4 times and fortunately, this teenage moved out from my community and since then it never happened again. (I wish)

    Tonight, the police phoned me back and follow-up my complain, which I can nerver expect in China. Although the police may not be able to do anything for this, the police is very reponsive or the police system here is pretty good....
    • Do you mean the police's job is to show concern rather than to solve the problem?