1. 如果你认同 Adam and Eve 的创造者, 那么你就不应该再鼓吹同性婚姻。
Did I 鼓吹同性婚姻 in my post above?
2. 如果你不认同 Adam and Eve 的创造者,也就没有Adam and Eve 的肋骨之说 #2104332 不过是胡搅蛮缠。
Did I have any statement in my post? I just asked a question, you didn't even answer it.. how come you said I was "不过是胡搅蛮缠"
3. 存在并不一定是合理合法,无论现时的法律如何定义。
Gay is a "存在", but can you prove "Adam and Eve 的肋骨之说" is a "存在"? How to define "合理合法"? based on your bible?
Did I 鼓吹同性婚姻 in my post above?
2. 如果你不认同 Adam and Eve 的创造者,也就没有Adam and Eve 的肋骨之说 #2104332 不过是胡搅蛮缠。
Did I have any statement in my post? I just asked a question, you didn't even answer it.. how come you said I was "不过是胡搅蛮缠"
3. 存在并不一定是合理合法,无论现时的法律如何定义。
Gay is a "存在", but can you prove "Adam and Eve 的肋骨之说" is a "存在"? How to define "合理合法"? based on your bible?