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I checked Singtao Daily today.

Typically two traval companies on newspaper run these tours: 泰安and ??(Sorry, I forgot name). After checked newspaper, I feel 2 days to piitsburgh trip seems without two many attractions. Probably go for 3-4 days trip like Chigago, 小欧洲城, and etc will be better. . They also includes outlet mall shopping, as well as casino. At least in this way, there's more places to go. 泰安offers two types of groups for the same route: $119 - include free breakfast, $149 include dinner coupons and casino moneys equi. to US$80 plus 2-3 days trip bonus value $90. This was I found today.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 圣诞想找2-4人一起去美国(匹茨堡,小欧洲城, 芝加哥或波斯顿等)购物旅游. 我们是夫妇, 若凑到四人的话,想跟团去. 每人100多元,住的好一些,玩也省心. 若人多得化,可以自己开车去. 顺便提一下, 匹茨堡有个特大的Outlet Mall,加上美元猛跌,有没有愿意Boxing Day一起去凑热闹?
    • 为什么我看去纽约的来回灰狗要210加币,飞机要210美圆左右呢?跟旅游团这个都比来回票便宜啊。
      • Try carpool or if you are student may eligibel for student discount. Otherwise, greyhorne is about not cheaper. We've been New York, so this trip will be somewhere other than New York and Washington.
    • 四人一房?它能住的好吗?boxingday去,真的只能去臭热闹,别想能真的买到好东西。真的想去现在是最好时候,过了圣诞都是箩底橙了。
      • No vacation for now, only wait for Christmas or New Years Day.
    • i want to go, 24-27 Dec is better, send PM pl.
      • Pls check your private message that I sent last night.
    • 有圣诞节的来回纽约的机票200出头?有没有好的订票电话?给一个,谢谢。 我电话问的可都是过了300加元每人往返了。
      • I didn't check for New York. Try jetsgo.ca if you haven't.
    • 关于去美国旅游,圣诞节100多加元一个人?好像很便宜的说,能不能把旅游团的详细信息发上来看看啊,或者给个电话也可以,谢谢了。
      • I checked Singtao Daily today.
        Typically two traval companies on newspaper run these tours: 泰安and ??(Sorry, I forgot name). After checked newspaper, I feel 2 days to piitsburgh trip seems without two many attractions. Probably go for 3-4 days trip like Chigago, 小欧洲城, and etc will be better. . They also includes outlet mall shopping, as well as casino. At least in this way, there's more places to go. 泰安offers two types of groups for the same route: $119 - include free breakfast, $149 include dinner coupons and casino moneys equi. to US$80 plus 2-3 days trip bonus value $90. This was I found today.
      • I've sent a private message. Please check.
    • 据说美国的BOXING DAY和加拿大的日期不一样, 他们是在THANKSGIVING 的第二天, 也就是昨天.
      • blackfriday只是圣诞购物的预热而已
      • 美国没有BOXINGDAY,圣诞节第二天不是假日。
        • Is it a good time for shopping during Christmas? Anyway, 25-28 four days off, should plan somewhere to go.
          • 可以,圣诞节到新年间也有SALE,但好东西剩下不多。
    • piitsburgh那个鸟town不去也罢
    • how many people you h ave by now? I've interest in going to chicago, but it's not too cold?
      • Most likely we are just looking for another two people to share a four persons room with local travel group instead of drive ourself. Is this ok for you?
    • check you PM,thanks
    • 问一个关键性问题,两男两女,一间房,怎么住?
      • Change Partner?
      • 抓阄儿,两人睡床,两人睡地上,第二天轮换!
      • 两个双人床的标准房。
      • 这怕什么,我们以前出去玩,二十多个男女同睡一间房。人多才好玩啊