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okay be serious - digged out this fossil for you to view. prenup is a contract which by itself has nothing to do with love nor emotion. it IS a killer (actually it kills fast) of romance - which is pretty unfortunate;

the fact is life itself is more than love and emotion. but again it's a contract one enters at will - s/he is "supposed" to know what s/he's doing before scratch a name on it.
As you can see from a latest rulling by supreme court, it's getting more difficult to void a prenuptial agreement "unless they are clearly unfair or coerced".
to be honest I don;t think your husband has demonstrated clearly to you why you should enter this agreement. But does that constitute any unfairness or coerce in the end?? Probably yes; probably no - god that's the beauty of law.

don't get me wrong though. Trying to set up a prenup does not render a person to a bad guy; not at all.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 我老公是加拿大人,我们在中国结婚,可是我老公说我们必须在加拿大注册结婚才算合法婚姻,我才能受到法律的保护,而且我们在这里注册之前,必须签一份婚前财产公证书,如果我不签,六个月之后就必须要离开。是吗?
    • 他是騙人的。
    • 你嫁的什么老公啊,刚上炕就开始骗。唉,国人哪。
    • 啊?
    • Yes. Because his visitor visa will expire in 6 months. That's the general maximum period allowed by the Chinese gov't.
      • 你在说什么?
        • 等你入加拿大籍再回国你就知道了。
          • #1984826
      • I think u should read the original post again.
    • 呵呵,好玩。一家人了还把钱看得这么重,结P婚!
    • u can get ur own lawyer to go rhrough the details, if u think ur husband is worth of it.
    • "婚前财产公证书",都是自愿签的,没有必须的说法。你老公说的不对!!
    • 婚前财产公证应该是你们自己俩人的选择, 并不是强制的. 且和你能不能在加拿大呆下去没有丝毫关系。这是常识啊。你们也没有必要再在加拿大结婚。
    • 大家伙儿都很激情的嘛; prenup这么不招人待见; 这玩艺也不都只保护有钱人的.
      • 用坑蒙拐骗的方式签prenuptial agreement不太地道吧
        • 不如就将计就计(老中玩"坑蒙拐骗"的时候鬼子还在树林子里为争个桃子嘶咬呢), 签就签, 到时候不承认有效, 告诉法官唯一签的原因就是她劳工告诉她的那些, 花钱找个好律师, 看谁笑到最后
          • 這就是不想過了
          • 为什么要这样做?签了就有效。不签没有什么不对的。
          • 法盲贴
            • 或许吧
        • 越想越有趣; 简直就是电影立演的了
    • 不过你老公这么处心积虑就比较有趣了
    • 瞎猜一下:估計是她LG針對傳説中的“親屬擔保10年生活”的防範措施,夫妻之間,防賊一樣,真實夠嗆
      • 是3年不是10年,再说就算是这个原因,这张协议也大不过移民法的效力
        • 咱家沒人擔保,不懂這個規矩。這個LG是有點絕。大家別顧著調侃,懂行的(像不同的夏天律師)給這個舉目無親的若女子一點建設性意見吧!
          • 先声明,我不是律师。

            但是,有这点我可以肯定:1)如果你是未婚妻移民,则要在这边登记之后你才有身份,要不是6个月遣返。但是他如果拿prenut威胁你的话,那就看你个人了; 2)如果你是spouse (即以妻子的身份)移民过来的话,不要理他。你的中国的结婚证书是有效的,你可以到律师楼对你的中国结婚证作公证。prenut是要双方自愿签的。从你的说法,好象是后者。

            这里有学律师的大虾,估计都没时间上网,或是根本不想摆显,呵呵~~~班门弄斧了,有错的请大家指出来,我也想refresh 我的知识.
    • 原场加拿大人还是加拿大鸡中国花人? 他骗你的, 让他这一整我们无论是中国人还是加拿大鸡中国花人回国结婚的都变成非法婚姻了. 扁他!
    • 很不诚实的LG
    • okay be serious - digged out this fossil for you to view. prenup is a contract which by itself has nothing to do with love nor emotion. it IS a killer (actually it kills fast) of romance - which is pretty unfortunate;
      the fact is life itself is more than love and emotion. but again it's a contract one enters at will - s/he is "supposed" to know what s/he's doing before scratch a name on it.
      As you can see from a latest rulling by supreme court, it's getting more difficult to void a prenuptial agreement "unless they are clearly unfair or coerced".
      to be honest I don;t think your husband has demonstrated clearly to you why you should enter this agreement. But does that constitute any unfairness or coerce in the end?? Probably yes; probably no - god that's the beauty of law.

      don't get me wrong though. Trying to set up a prenup does not render a person to a bad guy; not at all.
    • 没这回事
    • 瞎猜的:“。。。我老公说我们必须在加拿大注册结婚才算合法婚姻,我(lg)才能受到法律的保护,而且我们在这里注册之前,(我要你)签一份婚前财产公证书,如果我(lp)不签,(我就不跟你结婚那么你)六个月之后就必须要离开。。”
      • 真有水平,你搞古文翻译的吧?
    • 如果她相信她LG的话,她也不会上这儿来问了,相互防着那。
      • 我也觉得如果夫妻作到这份上乐,干吗还嫁?,连枕边人都不能信赖,活着不是太累了吗?