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10月9-11长周末 camping, 欢迎加入! canoeing, fishing, hiking, BBQ, and much more!

时间: 10.9-11, camping, 两个晚上

地点: Ferris Provincial Park, 离多伦多约150公里.

Situated on hilly drumlins, this park borders and provides access to the busy Trent River south of Campbellford. Scenic bluffs carved out of limestone bedrock provide a view of picturesque Ranney Falls. Overgrown stone fences and cleared meadows are relics of farms once worked here.

canoeing, fishing, hiking, BBQ, and much more.

营地有饮用水, 热水淋浴, 洗手间.

有兴趣同行的, 请给我发Private Message. 谢谢!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 10月9-11长周末 camping, 欢迎加入! canoeing, fishing, hiking, BBQ, and much more!
    时间: 10.9-11, camping, 两个晚上

    地点: Ferris Provincial Park, 离多伦多约150公里.

    Situated on hilly drumlins, this park borders and provides access to the busy Trent River south of Campbellford. Scenic bluffs carved out of limestone bedrock provide a view of picturesque Ranney Falls. Overgrown stone fences and cleared meadows are relics of farms once worked here.

    canoeing, fishing, hiking, BBQ, and much more.

    营地有饮用水, 热水淋浴, 洗手间.

    有兴趣同行的, 请给我发Private Message. 谢谢!
    • 那里适合瞧枫叶么?小孩子适不适合呀?
      • too cold la
        • 不就是下周么?觉得现在还行啊,白天还是20度呢
          • 现在晚上外面太冷了吧, 有孩子又想玩的建议租个RV
      • 有枫叶, 虽然没有阿冈昆那么好看. :-) 欢迎同去, 只是可能有一点冷(对绒绒来说).
      • 要是可以带孩子的,我也报名!
    • Ferris Provincial Park 的一些照片:
      • That's my first time heard "Ferris Park", though it looks great.
    • 好不容易有个长周末,还要培训,只好等来年了。