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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

I got your point, right, it's scenery. But on which map?

一号公路好像路过一些national park, 风景当然不错, 但如果你想去农场果园冰酒还是走旅行社线路算了. 没去过, 只是瞎猜的. 这个网站的"distinctive tour" 应该比较权威的.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / BC--Which way is more beautiful: HWY1 from Kamloops to Sicamous, or HWY 97 from Kelowna to Sicamous? I guess one of them is more representative of the Thompson Okanagan.
    • 听说旅行团一般去第二个路线, 也不知道为什么
      • That my impression too. What confusing is that on the map, HWY1 is marked as scenic drive, while 97 is not.
        • I got your point, right, it's scenery. But on which map?
          一号公路好像路过一些national park, 风景当然不错, 但如果你想去农场果园冰酒还是走旅行社线路算了. 没去过, 只是瞎猜的. 这个网站的"distinctive tour" 应该比较权威的.