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行程有变可能去不了,我把我查到的一点信息贴在下面,希望对想去的朋友有帮助。东方大峡谷叫“Grand Canyon of the East”在“Letchworth State Park”内,

Getting There
Letchworth State Park lies 35 miles south of Rochester. The park's northern entrance can be reached by I-390, which connects with the New York State Thruway (I-90) a few miles south of Rochester.
Drive south on 1-390 to Exit 7; on leaving the expressway, turn onto NY 408, and 0.2 miles brings you into the center of the village of Mount Morris. Turn north onto NY 36, and drive a mile to the park's northern entrance

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 长周末三天去五指湖,东方大峡谷行程怎么安排呢?查了一下旧贴都没找到具体行程的,请去过的前辈指点指点
    • 东方大峡谷: do you know it's English name?
      • Letchworth State Park
    • finger lake
    • finger lakes, corning glasses museum, cornell univ, lots of fun, no need to plan, 3 days is not enough, we plan to go again in autumn
      • TO FeiAFei :能否告知一下具体的路线?有没有可CAMPING的地方。多谢
        • 我也想知道行程,总得要预定旅馆啊
        • sorry, didn't surf for a while, maybe you have done your trip.
          anyway, we camped in one of the parks for 2 nights, just drove around, no fix itinerary at all.
    • 有没有愿意结伴的朋友,想30号动身
      • 你的行程怎样?住什么地方?
        • 至于行程和玩什么我还在电脑上查
          但我们已定在30号早上动身,2天到2天半玩FINGER LAKE AND Letchworth State Park ,在公园里CAMPING.1天到1天半去NEW YORK逛逛。无人告诉行程也无所谓。根据我在加拿大公园玩的经验,我估计在那边也多半能找到INFORMATION
      • 我六月份去的。除了Letchworth, 建议你去Watkins Glen S.P. 和Cornell University, 绝对值的一去。往纽约赶时间太紧了。Letchworth公园很大,有几个入口,最好提前选好入口。
        • 哪个入口比较好呢?
      • 关于Letchworth网上资料不多,我当时是google到一个个人网站,介绍说从南部入口进风景最佳,记得那个入口离vistor center不远。另外楼下的说要用一天时间在corning玩,感觉实在有点浪费。
      • 我想去。怎么联系你。还想知道细节
      • 行程有变可能去不了,我把我查到的一点信息贴在下面,希望对想去的朋友有帮助。东方大峡谷叫“Grand Canyon of the East”在“Letchworth State Park”内,
        Getting There
        Letchworth State Park lies 35 miles south of Rochester. The park's northern entrance can be reached by I-390, which connects with the New York State Thruway (I-90) a few miles south of Rochester.
        Drive south on 1-390 to Exit 7; on leaving the expressway, turn onto NY 408, and 0.2 miles brings you into the center of the village of Mount Morris. Turn north onto NY 36, and drive a mile to the park's northern entrance
    • 好地方,值得一去, 第一天大峡谷,第二天玻璃城, 第三天去Cornell University. 很容易找到CAMPING的地方. 那里人不多.
      • Letchworth 如果不camping,什么地方有b&b或者motel?
    • 大陆移民甲,你的行程定下来了吗,能否分享一下,多谢啊。
      • 去了三天刚回来,各个地方都不错。
        行程是:第一天: Letchworth Statepark,住在公园附近,第二天:Corning Glass Museum/National Warplane Museum/Ethaca/Cornell University, 住Watkins Glen,第三天, Walkins Glen State Park/Seneca Lake/Waterloo Outlet Mall, 晚上回Toronto

        两个State Park风景都很好,值得一去,Corning玻璃厂如果不是对艺术很感兴趣就不用去了。Warplane Museum还行,有F-15/F-14/A-10, 华盛顿都看不到。Cornell Univ. 很漂亮,可惜行程急,停留的时间太短。Seneca Lake风景一般,可以飙摩托艇