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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 7.1长周末想选多伦多附近5百公里范围内的某个公园玩3 天,哪位大侠有去过的好的公园推荐一下?安省公园的网址我有,里面公园太多了,所以很想知道口碑好的。期望的活动内容:Hiking,游泳,钓鱼,BBQ,欣赏湖光山色,
    camping 或住cottage都可以。Bruce Pennisular已去过了.
    • 报纸上介绍乐这个
      • 还有这个
    • Wasaga beach is an excellent place to go.
      • Wasaga beach is just a long beach. I do not think there is a lot fun.// Also, one day is enough.
    • You may want to try Muskoka.
      • 请推荐一下具体的地址,哪个湖?最好还有住宿的联系方式。谢谢。
        • 推荐谈不上,我也没去过,正在research。有本书上推荐沿Lake Muskoka河Lake Rosseau还有Lake of the Bay两侧,可是上google搜索一下。
    • killarney,本人正盘算,嘿嘿
      • 有人去过吗?
        • 偶去过. 风光还秀丽, hiking trails 也还行. 石头是红色的-就象 Group of Seven 里画的一样.
    • 千岛湖
    • Georgian Bay Islands National Park http://www.pc.gc.ca/pn-np/on/georg/index_e.asp
    • too late.no more camping site available at any weekend for July & August. At least one week for Cottage, and I believe non available now.
    • 推荐几个Provincial Park:
      Lake Superior, Killarney, French River, Algonquin, Killbear, Grundy, Massasauga, Bon Echo, Frontenac, Silent Lake, Sandbanks. Those all are very good.
      • You have to book it early. Or check on Internet everyday to see if anyone cancelled.
        • Thank you.
        • All Prov. parks has 15+% sites as first come, first get sites. If you get there earlier, you can get one. This is even better sometimes, 'cause no need to worry about weather.
          I go camping a few times a year, reserved only once. Never has any problem finding a site.
          • apuma大侠,你的意思就是7.1长周末时,即使很著名的省立公园也会有一些camping site 保留到当天先到先租?
            • Any time, as long as the day you go there is 1 day before the weekend or public holiday, you won't have a problem. Since those not-for-reserve sites
              are predermined (like sites 2, 9, 30...), if they're taken, then no more. I always got one at Algonquin, Kingston, Kill Bear, etc. (always 1 day ahead). The first time I got to Algonquin before 11am. Later times I found that there's no problem as late as 1:30pm(but the earlier, the better, you still have chance to choose a better site). Choose a bigger site to try(so they have more sites).
    • 我前兩個星期剛去過Muskoka Lake,那兒真的很美,到處是湖,我將我上次的行程打至如下:
      我前兩個星期剛去過Muskoka Lake,那兒真的很美,到處是湖,我將我上次的行程打至如下:
      第一天:多倫多→白求恩故居(途中有Info Centre)→阿崗昆國家公園(在裡頭划船划了三個多小時,帶了一些吃的及工具在那煮麵吃,別有一番風味,不過那裡的蚊蟲很多也很毒太陽也很毒,建議穿白長袖,不要穿短裙之類的,那裡真的好美,也還算原始,我在路邊就看到麋鹿了),夜宿Huntsville(我延路問了許多間湖邊的房子,都要100左右,到了這個距離阿崗昆公園最近的小鎮就有許多的motel、Inn,我在這找到一間比較不那麼貴的,一晚60加稅,名稱就叫Huntsville Inn,電話是:(705)789-4431,地址是:19 King William Street Huntsville, On. P1H 1G6。我拿了他們的名片,計劃下回再去時還是住那,不是那裡特別好,只是比較便宜)
      第二天:Huntsville→Muskoka Lake(我只是繞著那湖走了一圈,到處都是湖,跟阿崗昆有比,真的不錯看!)→多倫多
      有興趣或有問題的可來信問我,用說的比較快,我會盡我所能的告訴你們的 Feeling2004.06.22
      • good.!!
      • 谢谢您的贴子,我对您的行程非常感兴趣,该怎样联系您呢?我的邮箱是bluebird_nan@hotmail.com
      • 请问Muskoka lake旁边有没住的地方?我们想找个风景优美的地方住2天,散散步,孕妇一名不能做别的活动, 这个地方开车去的话要多长时间?谢谢。
        • 從多倫多400號Hightway開到那大約只要兩個小時內一定能到,住的地方我記得那裡就有一個小鎮,有蠻多motel之類的,不用太擔心沒房間吧!真的不行也可開到我提供的那個地方,那裡有許多住的,而且也是個很美的地方!