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Sorry. 这是我按400做的预算, 不是我, 我可提供carpool

因个人原因, 长周末经常跑这条路, 并提供carpool , 我看 搭车的人基本上按这计划消费.

此计划没包括购买门票(学生student ID, 可能有优惠), 烟, 酒 (new Jersey), 电器(http://www.jr.com ), 摄像机, 照相机 etc...(http://www.bhphotovideo.com)

住: USD$50/room/night 是按中国人接待站标准, 或较远的 motel 如在new Jersey.

吃: USD$5 是按麦当老标准, 唐人街头,滩贩有更便易的, $1, $2 买个炒饭/粉. 一般店里也不贵, 如"大班" cannal st & mott st. 一个炒粉加杯奶茶杯 $3.75, 因超过$3, 该店送中文报子一份, 上个长周末如此, 这次是否如此, 等我去才知. 如果北方人想吃面食, "老山东"就挺好. 在delancey st & bowery 附近.

行, MTA daypass $7

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 准备七一长周末上美国华盛顿,或许可以赶上美的国庆日,有感兴趣的可以一起去。只是,有谁知道长周末怎么休?
    • 开车吗?
      • YES.自己开车。
    • 干吗去凑那个热闹?
    • 大概要开销多少,有几天 ...
      • 是不是从7月1日至4日?我也想知道呐。是这样打算的。 上次长周末,自驾车上纽约,花了$400多。主要是住宿和汽油钱。这次要是四天的话,可能多些。
        • 400多是几个人哩?复活节是就计划NYC 之行, 结果没去成。
          • I know why "400多" I go to NYC 7.1-7.4 too
            One car. with 4 person.
            gas: US$70
            road fee: US$30
            parking or MTA US$7/day/person X2dayX4person=56
            stay in one room US$50/night*3=150
            food: $5*3/day/person X2dayX4person=120

            note: only 2 days in NYC. 2 days on the road

            So you can see it is "400多"
            • 多谢回贴。你们真年轻啊!四个人计划花$400多。不过住贵一点的HOTEL, 三餐标准高一些,能舒服一点吧?我们天津人讲话“ 穷家富路”。
              • Sorry. 这是我按400做的预算, 不是我, 我可提供carpool
                因个人原因, 长周末经常跑这条路, 并提供carpool , 我看 搭车的人基本上按这计划消费.

                此计划没包括购买门票(学生student ID, 可能有优惠), 烟, 酒 (new Jersey), 电器(http://www.jr.com ), 摄像机, 照相机 etc...(http://www.bhphotovideo.com)

                住: USD$50/room/night 是按中国人接待站标准, 或较远的 motel 如在new Jersey.

                吃: USD$5 是按麦当老标准, 唐人街头,滩贩有更便易的, $1, $2 买个炒饭/粉. 一般店里也不贵, 如"大班" cannal st & mott st. 一个炒粉加杯奶茶杯 $3.75, 因超过$3, 该店送中文报子一份, 上个长周末如此, 这次是否如此, 等我去才知. 如果北方人想吃面食, "老山东"就挺好. 在delancey st & bowery 附近.

                行, MTA daypass $7
            • really want to know where to park in newyork city
              My LG and I plan to go newyork city next month around July 4. Parking is the biggest problem puzzled me right now. Could you please tell me where to park to get such good price as follows? thank you very much!
              parking or MTA US$7/day/person X2dayX4person=56
              • Sorry. I mean you park your car in where you stay in the night and use MTA to go anywhere in NYC. MTA US$7 is MTA daypass
                MTA: http://www.mta.info/metrocard/mcgtreng.htm#unlimited

                In downtown and midtown of NYC, parking is very expensive, about USD$10/hour in many parking lot.

                Road side parking meter is cheaper, 5 or 10 min/25cents, with 1hour or 2 hour limitation. And it is difficult to find it in downtown and midtown.

                BTW, do not use cellularphone when you driving in NYC and do not turn right when red light is on in NYC.

                good luck
          • 一家三口。住$100,GAS$100多,还买了$100多的烟、酒。
            • 想去纽约, 途经KINGSTON, 请问开车的线路. 谢谢
              • 顶一下
                • from where?, via KINGSTON, to NYC
                  • Sorry, From Toronto to NY via Kingston, thanks
                    • 401, 137, 81, 380, 80, 280, 508, 7, 1/9, Holland Tunnel New York City ChinaTown It's farther than via falls
                      Toronto ChinaTown Dundas, Spadina, Gardiner Expressway, QEW, 405, 190, 290, 90, 690, 81, 380, 80, 280, 508, 7, 1/9, Holland Tunnel, Canal St. Broadway New York City ChinaTown
                  • Thanks for your reply.