本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1,学生-社会经验不丰富,遇事容易冲动,作出错误判断。留学签证,由于无家无业,流动方面,更容易不考虑后果。专门绑票的则代表另一个极端。当然还有夹在中间,有处事经验,但没有绑票经验的,但是此案的特征看来冲动性强,理智计划差,因此更象没有经验的人所为。再强调,只是可能,我无法指名道姓,只能总结凶手特征。请勿对号入座。
-- most immigrants are socially extensive experienced? what is ur standard of experienced? There are numerous gun shots in the city, i don't really think they are related to Visa students, what is your comments on those cases then? It sounds that you are really experienced in kidnapping and assaulting, please either choose to join the police or choose to be an author of detective story.
-- don't really want to involve in your Cultural Revolution experience, most ur sayings and behaviours reminded me of that frenzy period.
2, 除非你先天将移民与留学生对立起来,无法得出你的“所有移民都有绑架小孩的经验”的结论。凶手的不理智,缺乏计划和惊慌失措说明极有可能凶手涉世不深。再强调我们是在讨论凶手可能是哪类人,而不是“哪类人一定是凶手”。比如凶手8成是中国人,你是不是应该立刻抗议歧视?什么人都可能出凶手,关键是这个案子是什么人做的
-- it is you who first charge Visa Student, check your sayings in the first post please.
-- I am upset b your link on "inexperienced " with "visa student". don't you see it? poor logic and poor english
-- 比如凶手8成是中国人,你是不是应该立刻抗议歧视? of course, if this is presented on court, it is definitely an unsupported claim and will be called an "objection" by the attorney.
-- 什么人都可能出凶手, that is rite, but you didn't say so in the first post. next time, please 不要和陈太一样信口开河
3,"all tragedies now are ascribed to chinese visa students"更是神经过敏。我们在讨论谁杀害了一个天真无辜的小女孩,完全没有提到“all tragedies”是你自己扩大话题呀,当然大家都不认为有问题,只有你觉得有问题,因为问题根本是只有你在说“all tragedies”别人都在讨论Cecilia案的一个凶手而已
-- it is you who expanded the topic first, check your words in the first post again. What if i changed the title to : 凶手会是什么人?大家帮着想想,警察里华人不多,可能难以理解中国人的心理呢!似乎不是专业绑票,很象是刚来的中国新移民,没什么钱又不想去做LABOR -风头太大,吓坏了,就撕票了。估计与媒体声势太大有直接关系
4,agree, not only are Chinese immigrants poor, there are people out there trying to divert the topic to "who cause all the troubles" while we are here desperately trying to find out who killed THIS innocent little girl.
-- not only, but also, don't mess up with English, go back to LINC whatever to improve your language.
-- "there are people out there trying to divert the topic to "who cause all the troubles" ", next time, use Word to check grammar mistake first. it is not a sentence, learn how to compose a decent sentence first, then come to argue.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
-- most immigrants are socially extensive experienced? what is ur standard of experienced? There are numerous gun shots in the city, i don't really think they are related to Visa students, what is your comments on those cases then? It sounds that you are really experienced in kidnapping and assaulting, please either choose to join the police or choose to be an author of detective story.
-- don't really want to involve in your Cultural Revolution experience, most ur sayings and behaviours reminded me of that frenzy period.
2, 除非你先天将移民与留学生对立起来,无法得出你的“所有移民都有绑架小孩的经验”的结论。凶手的不理智,缺乏计划和惊慌失措说明极有可能凶手涉世不深。再强调我们是在讨论凶手可能是哪类人,而不是“哪类人一定是凶手”。比如凶手8成是中国人,你是不是应该立刻抗议歧视?什么人都可能出凶手,关键是这个案子是什么人做的
-- it is you who first charge Visa Student, check your sayings in the first post please.
-- I am upset b your link on "inexperienced " with "visa student". don't you see it? poor logic and poor english
-- 比如凶手8成是中国人,你是不是应该立刻抗议歧视? of course, if this is presented on court, it is definitely an unsupported claim and will be called an "objection" by the attorney.
-- 什么人都可能出凶手, that is rite, but you didn't say so in the first post. next time, please 不要和陈太一样信口开河
3,"all tragedies now are ascribed to chinese visa students"更是神经过敏。我们在讨论谁杀害了一个天真无辜的小女孩,完全没有提到“all tragedies”是你自己扩大话题呀,当然大家都不认为有问题,只有你觉得有问题,因为问题根本是只有你在说“all tragedies”别人都在讨论Cecilia案的一个凶手而已
-- it is you who expanded the topic first, check your words in the first post again. What if i changed the title to : 凶手会是什么人?大家帮着想想,警察里华人不多,可能难以理解中国人的心理呢!似乎不是专业绑票,很象是刚来的中国新移民,没什么钱又不想去做LABOR -风头太大,吓坏了,就撕票了。估计与媒体声势太大有直接关系
4,agree, not only are Chinese immigrants poor, there are people out there trying to divert the topic to "who cause all the troubles" while we are here desperately trying to find out who killed THIS innocent little girl.
-- not only, but also, don't mess up with English, go back to LINC whatever to improve your language.
-- "there are people out there trying to divert the topic to "who cause all the troubles" ", next time, use Word to check grammar mistake first. it is not a sentence, learn how to compose a decent sentence first, then come to argue.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net