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Tucker Carlson’s 5 Key Takeaways from the Putin Interview:

#1 - Putin is “very wounded” by the rejection of the West.

• “That’s the whole point of NATO, I guess, is to contain Russia. And Putin is wounded by this.”

#2 - “Russia is not an expansionist power.”

• “You have to be an idiot to think that. Russia is too big already. It’s the biggest landmass in the world. They only have 150,000,000 people.”

• They’ve Got more than enough natural resources. They’re swimming in natural resources. They don’t have enough people, in their view. So, the idea that they want to take over Poland, why would you want to do that? They just want secure borders.”

#3 - Putin likely wants peace in Ukraine

• “He was willing to admit that he wants a peace deal in Ukraine and sort of give it away and just say that out loud. He said it a couple of different times. Again, maybe he’s lying in ways I didn’t perceive, but he kept saying it, and I don’t know why he would say it if he didn’t mean it.”

• “As a matter of fact, there is evidence, overwhelming, that there was a peace deal, or part of a peace deal with the beginning of peace talks, a settlement of some sort on the table a year and a half ago that the former prime minister of Great Britain, Boris Johnson, scuttled on behalf of the Biden administration and convinced Zelensky and the Ukrainian government not to enter into these talks. I mean, that’s kind of an established fact. The Israelis were there. They revealed this. That happened.”

#4 - Demands for Russia to relinquish Crimea are insane.

• “U.S. officials have said on the record and have said to me and are telling a bunch of people that part of the terms have to be Russia giving up Crimea!”

• “Putin would go to war, nuclear war, if it came down to Crimea.”

• “If you really think that a condition of peace is that Putin is going to give up Crimea, then you’re like a lunatic!”

#5 - The U.S. has a poor track record with regime change.

• “We are run by nutcases. The President and that poisonous moron Victoria Nuland. ‘Oh, we’re going to depose Putin.’ Well, then what happens?”

• “What happened in Libya when we deposed and allowed, you know, Qaddafi to be murdered? What happened in Iraq when we brought Saddam to justice? Those countries fell apart, and they never been rebuilt again.”

• “In Afghanistan, we took out the central government, and they came back. It’s still run by the Taliban. So, our track record of knocking out the leader, which is very easy to do, is spotty at best. Things don’t always get better. And to do that to Russia, the largest landmass in the world with the largest nuclear arsenal, you’re on drugs if you think that’s a good idea.”

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  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / Tucker Carlson对普京的采访完整视频 +8
    • Here are the key moments from the interview: +6
      • 00:02:00 – Putin Gives a History of Russia & Ukraine: Putin begins by outlining the historical ties and conflicts between Russia and Ukraine
      • 00:25:04 – NATO Expansion: The conversation shifts to NATO’s eastward expansion post-Cold War
      • 00:30:40 – NATO & Bill Clinton: Putin criticizes former U.S. President Bill Clinton’s role in promoting NATO expansion
      • 00:41:10 – Ukraine: The discussion moves to the specific issues within Ukraine
      • 00:48:30 – What Triggered This Conflict?: Putin provides his perspective on the events that led to the escalation of conflict in Eastern Europe
      • 01:02:37 – A Peaceful Solution?: Carlson probes Putin on potential pathways to a peaceful resolution, where Putin outlines his conditions for negotiations.
      • 01:11:33 – Who Blew Up the Nord Stream Pipelines?: The conversation takes a dramatic turn as Putin addresses the mysterious destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipelines
      • 01:24:13 – Re-establishing Communication with the US
      • 01:36:33 – How Powerful is Zelensky?: The Russian leader assesses Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s influence and capabilities within the context of the conflict and international politics.
      • 01:48:36 – Elon Musk & AI: Carlson and Putin explore the topic of artificial intelligence and the role of influential figures like Elon Musk in shaping the future of global technology and security.
      • 01:51:07 – Imprisoned American Journalist Evan Gershkovich: The interview concludes with Putin’s comments on the case of Evan Gershkovich, the American journalist detained in Russia, signaling a complex issue in U.S.-Russia relations.
    • Tucker Carlson’s 5 Key Takeaways from the Putin Interview: +2

      #1 - Putin is “very wounded” by the rejection of the West.

      • “That’s the whole point of NATO, I guess, is to contain Russia. And Putin is wounded by this.”

      #2 - “Russia is not an expansionist power.”

      • “You have to be an idiot to think that. Russia is too big already. It’s the biggest landmass in the world. They only have 150,000,000 people.”

      • They’ve Got more than enough natural resources. They’re swimming in natural resources. They don’t have enough people, in their view. So, the idea that they want to take over Poland, why would you want to do that? They just want secure borders.”

      #3 - Putin likely wants peace in Ukraine

      • “He was willing to admit that he wants a peace deal in Ukraine and sort of give it away and just say that out loud. He said it a couple of different times. Again, maybe he’s lying in ways I didn’t perceive, but he kept saying it, and I don’t know why he would say it if he didn’t mean it.”

      • “As a matter of fact, there is evidence, overwhelming, that there was a peace deal, or part of a peace deal with the beginning of peace talks, a settlement of some sort on the table a year and a half ago that the former prime minister of Great Britain, Boris Johnson, scuttled on behalf of the Biden administration and convinced Zelensky and the Ukrainian government not to enter into these talks. I mean, that’s kind of an established fact. The Israelis were there. They revealed this. That happened.”

      #4 - Demands for Russia to relinquish Crimea are insane.

      • “U.S. officials have said on the record and have said to me and are telling a bunch of people that part of the terms have to be Russia giving up Crimea!”

      • “Putin would go to war, nuclear war, if it came down to Crimea.”

      • “If you really think that a condition of peace is that Putin is going to give up Crimea, then you’re like a lunatic!”

      #5 - The U.S. has a poor track record with regime change.

      • “We are run by nutcases. The President and that poisonous moron Victoria Nuland. ‘Oh, we’re going to depose Putin.’ Well, then what happens?”

      • “What happened in Libya when we deposed and allowed, you know, Qaddafi to be murdered? What happened in Iraq when we brought Saddam to justice? Those countries fell apart, and they never been rebuilt again.”

      • “In Afghanistan, we took out the central government, and they came back. It’s still run by the Taliban. So, our track record of knocking out the leader, which is very easy to do, is spotty at best. Things don’t always get better. And to do that to Russia, the largest landmass in the world with the largest nuclear arsenal, you’re on drugs if you think that’s a good idea.”

    • 没有什么新东西。但对习近平的看法让许多“分析人士”说法得到了证实 +1
    • 普京兼具领袖和学者风范,讲话实在,引经据典,捍卫本国利益,不是西方极左如智忧党匪首,整天祸国殃民,除了对外国人好对变态好对罪犯好 +2
      • 捍卫本国利益没问题,但是不能侵略邻国。 +3
        • 普京说了,这是斯拉夫民族内斗!
          • 弱者说啥不重要
            • 既然弱者,怎么不一鼓作气拿下莫斯科!
          • 所以世界各国要支援乌克兰,阻止这个所谓的民族内斗。 +3
            • 内斗,是人家的内政,少干涉为妙!有些人乘机别有用心拉偏架!
              • 1962年中华民国意图反攻大陆,内政吧。美国不同意。
                • 美国送军火🔥飞机✈,是阻止内战?
          • 希特勒屠杀国内的犹太人,也是内斗? +4