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Get Your Passes Select your School Board from the menu below to download your School Kids Pass. When you download your pass, your school board will be entered for a chance to WIN the opportunity to showcase one school’s artwork on the 2024 Kids Pass. All CNE shows and attractions are FREE with admission!Note: Admission […]

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 有带娃去CNE的吗,感觉如何,门票大人就要二十多刀,再加上rides,还有快速通(再吃些新奇创意快餐),快赶上主题公园票价了。不知大家现在还有没有好点的折扣。
    • 没去,不过可以试试这个,有折扣库胖码。。。
      • 谢谢啦! 打折都不便宜啊,据说推荐再买25刀快速通😮,不然要排老长的队。💦
    • 另外可以试一试,学生免费门票。。
      Get Your Passes Select your School Board from the menu below to download your School Kids Pass. When you download your pass, your school board will be entered for a chance to WIN the opportunity to showcase one school’s artwork on the 2024 Kids Pass. All CNE shows and attractions are FREE with admission!Note: Admission […]
      • 对的,13岁以下免门票。
    • 我年轻的时候在CNE里面的food court打工,老板十几天能赚个十来万。 一个小时11$ 干完了回家上楼梯都困难。
      • 哇,这么赚! 多年前去过几次,真不应该收门票,里面啥啥都要钱。还有些创意高热食物,真是尝一次就够了。
      • 收入十来万吧,NI不会嫩多
    • 没去过的去一次看个新鲜;然后就不会再想去了