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A British actress who recently pleaded guilty to driving drunk told a court that she had gotten behind the wheel in order to avoid being forced into a threesome.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 这个醉驾的理由极其人道,可惜法官不通人性:
    A British actress who recently pleaded guilty to driving drunk told a court that she had gotten behind the wheel in order to avoid being forced into a threesome.
    • 据说两个人落水,只有一件救生衣,A打晕(还有一说是打死)B抢到这件而幸存,不是罪。这个女的醉驾出去撞死人不在此列。
      • 这麻烦了。以后出去坐游轮得在兜里装一个秤砣,还不能让老婆知道
        • 这是要自己加速下沉,还是拿出来砸晕老婆?
          • good question。善心人看到了老公牺牲自己,把自己的救生衣留给老婆,增强老婆存活的比率。黑心人看到了老公时刻准备着,敲昏老婆夺过救生衣自保
    • 法官很通人性。她有过超速记录,她有过心理创伤。这一次的正确判决让她好好清醒清醒,醉酒驾驶是不可以的,否则下一次事件就是死亡。你想让她早死吗? +2