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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛A 组,现有3 人,2女1男,时间:12月25日-5日(或3,4号), 路线:从多伦多--Cancun-(租车 with GroupB)-- Chichen Itza--,Merida,--Uxmal--Palenque--- San Cristobal---Oaxaca-----Teotihuacan ---Mexico City -----Toronto
预算:机票1260,其他700,总共《2000加币。 寻1-2位先生。
Email: chengsong_liu@hotmail.com

B 组,现有5 人,3女2男,时间:12月24日-31日,路线:从多伦多--Cancun-- Tulum--Cozumel---租车与A组---Chichen Itza,---Merida---, --Palenque---San Cristobal----Cancun-----Toronto,)。
预算:机票890,其他600,总共《1500加币。 寻1位先生。
Email: eling1999@hotmail.com 或 chengsong_liu@hotmail.com

Because we have enough girls in the group, we can't take anymore .Sorry about that, Girls. Maybe next time.

1.Do we need visa to travel in Mexico ?
For Canadian citizens or (Chinese) Landed Immigrants, we don't need apply for a visa. We will get the tourist cards on the plane. As an international student, you need apply tourist card in Mexico Consulate in Toronto.
2. Can we use Canadian driver's license to drive a car in Mexico?
Yes, we can. Canadina driver's license is valid in Mexico.
3. How much is the exchange rate?
1 CAD= 8 Pesos
4.How far is from Caucun to Mexico city?
1772 Kilometers更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 寻1位先生今年圣诞与我们同游Mexico,共赏玛雅文化的神奇和美丽,因机票紧张,请速速发Email给我们!!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛A 组,现有3 人,2女1男,时间:12月25日-5日(或3,4号), 路线:从多伦多--Cancun-(租车 with GroupB)-- Chichen Itza--,Merida,--Uxmal--Palenque--- San Cristobal---Oaxaca-----Teotihuacan ---Mexico City -----Toronto
    预算:机票1260,其他700,总共《2000加币。 寻1-2位先生。
    Email: chengsong_liu@hotmail.com

    B 组,现有5 人,3女2男,时间:12月24日-31日,路线:从多伦多--Cancun-- Tulum--Cozumel---租车与A组---Chichen Itza,---Merida---, --Palenque---San Cristobal----Cancun-----Toronto,)。
    预算:机票890,其他600,总共《1500加币。 寻1位先生。
    Email: eling1999@hotmail.com 或 chengsong_liu@hotmail.com

    Because we have enough girls in the group, we can't take anymore .Sorry about that, Girls. Maybe next time.

    1.Do we need visa to travel in Mexico ?
    For Canadian citizens or (Chinese) Landed Immigrants, we don't need apply for a visa. We will get the tourist cards on the plane. As an international student, you need apply tourist card in Mexico Consulate in Toronto.
    2. Can we use Canadian driver's license to drive a car in Mexico?
    Yes, we can. Canadina driver's license is valid in Mexico.
    3. How much is the exchange rate?
    1 CAD= 8 Pesos
    4.How far is from Caucun to Mexico city?
    1772 Kilometers更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我真想去啊!
      • 那就多想想吧.