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Tribal knowledge

Tribal knowledge is information or knowledge that is known within a tribe but often unknown outside of it. A tribe, in this sense, may be a group or subgroup of people that share such a common knowledge. From a corporate perspective, "Tribal Knowledge or know-how is the collective wisdom of the organization. It is the sum of all the knowledge and capabilities of all the people".

经常听人说这个词所以留意了一下。翻译成部落知识肯定是不对的。我觉得它的意思接近 secret sauce, know how。也许翻译成经验或者诀窍比较贴切?

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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / Tribal knowledge +3
    • 可以勉强翻译成:独门秘籍? +1
      • 秘宗
        • 更像葵花宝典,Tribal有独孤求败的意思
      • 偏方,秘技。
    • Thanks for sharing! I didn't know such saying. BTW, no need, and better don't try to translate it into Chinese. Just keep it as it is in English.
    • 哎,这里门可罗雀的,精华有个👻用!友情顶贴
      • 美女有所不知,精华话题就会留在精华区,很多人时间不够,只看精华区的。 +1
        • 像我这种时间很够的人都不看精华区:D
      • 外语坛,是少数几个我还未能留下足迹的分坛,即便我在外语坛的帖子,像鄂尔多斯民歌一样,乏人问津,无人喝彩,我也要尽量坚持下去。 +3
        • 你就放过外语坛吧。毕竟纯洁的坛子已经不多了 +3
          • “冷冷的冰雨在脸上胡乱地拍!” +2
        • 佳猿没你,竟然有数字哥,下巴都惊掉了
          • 什么帖子?连过来看看。

          • 你可能看错了。他一般去枫下佳媛 +1
            • harderandharder(老夫八十九); 2013-6-10 我去,这名字与我ID有雷同部分,会不会哪天被认定为我的马甲?
              • 黄泥巴掉裤裆了
              • 这🆔起的! 🤮🤮
          • 去瞄了下,一眼望去,佳猿和佳媛都是老大密密麻麻的脚印。四月居然也在佳猿留下了两个三寸小脚印 😂 +2
            • 😂,帖子是后来被搬过去滴 +1