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真佩服我自己将无聊进行到底的精神,百忙之中抽空给waterloo airport发了封信,人家还真回了。貌似都是货机。人家的回复见内哈,虽然没有解决问题,但至少知道了点真相,好吧,我承认这也是我喜欢加拿大的原因之一,因为有人回复你,不管多么小的事情:)

“Your concern has been registered in our system for statistical purposes. We are aware that there is flight traffic in the overnight hours crossing Waterloo region. These flights do not take off or land at our airport, rather they are cargo flights going to and from Hamilton. We are in discussion with Hamilton Airport about these flights and are investigating whether anything can be done to reduce the impact of these flights on the residents of Waterloo Region. That being said, Waterloo Region is in the middle of southwestern Ontario which is a busy corridor for air traffic and we often get flights going to Toronto and points eastward, overflying our area.

Should you have any other questions or have dates/times of specific events, please don't hesitate to reply so that we may investigate further.”

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 要更换窗子吗?求建议。。



    • 估计没有用处。有三层玻璃的,但是比较贵。
      • 谢谢你的回复。。
        • 如果确认是从窗户进来的噪音,挂双层落地厚窗帘也能有效果。应该比换窗户便宜
          • Thanks a lot for ur suggestion:) btw, does that noise bother you since we live in same community?
            • no, we hardly notice any air plane noise. Maybe it is cancelled by the traffic noise on Bleams Rd. :)
              • 再次证明的确我家孩子太敏感了。。郁闷。。
          • 真佩服我自己将无聊进行到底的精神,百忙之中抽空给waterloo airport发了封信,人家还真回了。貌似都是货机。人家的回复见内哈,虽然没有解决问题,但至少知道了点真相,好吧,我承认这也是我喜欢加拿大的原因之一,因为有人回复你,不管多么小的事情:)
            “Your concern has been registered in our system for statistical purposes. We are aware that there is flight traffic in the overnight hours crossing Waterloo region. These flights do not take off or land at our airport, rather they are cargo flights going to and from Hamilton. We are in discussion with Hamilton Airport about these flights and are investigating whether anything can be done to reduce the impact of these flights on the residents of Waterloo Region. That being said, Waterloo Region is in the middle of southwestern Ontario which is a busy corridor for air traffic and we often get flights going to Toronto and points eastward, overflying our area.

            Should you have any other questions or have dates/times of specific events, please don't hesitate to reply so that we may investigate further.”
            • 你这个态度和做法一定要顶:))
              • 呵呵。。谢谢Hope姐,你最好了:)
    • 最佳建议:换房子。
      • 先谢谢你的建议 :) 我家住的地方太方便了,不舍得搬啊。问了好些邻居别人都没感觉到,所以我想肯定还是我家孩子太敏感了。还有,人会不会是到一定年纪就没那么爱折腾了呀?我原先挺爱折腾的,这两年忽然不想动了。除非有一个房子是我心仪的且价格可接受,逼着我换房。
        • 介意问问你住哪里么?
          • I live very close to Sunrise Mall in Kitchener. I like the location and community. More Chinese families move here now.