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Furnace 炉子工作不正常,大家帮看看是什么问题

这个炉子3年前某“著名”师傅换过pressure switch, 收费430

1. it will say “heat on “ but the furnace and fan don’t actually turn on (as per picture) 2. It will try and kick in. (Fan and furnace will start for 20seconds but then shut off when it’s below temperature). It will try and kick in 2-3 times like that. Then it just won’t come on for an hour or two. 
3. Long gaps between running. Temperature will drop to 22 or 21 before coming on. It will run until desired temperature but then not come back on for a while. 
Below is picture. It’s happening now where it says on. But it’s not actually running. 
I tried setting all the times and dates to run at consistent 25. 
Even if I manually raise the temp it won’t engage. 
Sometimes there is a “recovery” word that pops up in the thermostat. 

1.有时候温控器显示'heat on”(加热)的信息,但炉子和风扇实际上并没有工作(如图所示)。




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  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / Furnace 炉子工作不正常,大家帮看看是什么问题

    这个炉子3年前某“著名”师傅换过pressure switch, 收费430

    1. it will say “heat on “ but the furnace and fan don’t actually turn on (as per picture) 2. It will try and kick in. (Fan and furnace will start for 20seconds but then shut off when it’s below temperature). It will try and kick in 2-3 times like that. Then it just won’t come on for an hour or two. 
    3. Long gaps between running. Temperature will drop to 22 or 21 before coming on. It will run until desired temperature but then not come back on for a while. 
    Below is picture. It’s happening now where it says on. But it’s not actually running. 
    I tried setting all the times and dates to run at consistent 25. 
    Even if I manually raise the temp it won’t engage. 
    Sometimes there is a “recovery” word that pops up in the thermostat. 

    1.有时候温控器显示'heat on”(加热)的信息,但炉子和风扇实际上并没有工作(如图所示)。



    • Call manufacture on Monday. Hire a certified contractor.
      • 今天怎么办?还有明天呢😂 +1
    • 你检查冷凝水的排水管是否通畅了吗?这是最常见的问题。
      • 这个也检查了今天,排水正常 +1
    • 从观察孔看有没有点着火,如果有火,然后熄灭,可能是heat sensor脏了。如果压根儿没有点火,看故障码是什么。
      • 谢谢,的确是这个问题,今天找到两年前帮换过热水炉的持牌师傅,花了10分钟找到问题,打磨了一下就好了,非常幸运;师傅也非常好,给了100块,只收了60。相比几年前被收费400多的经历,还是挺感激的。当然故障不一样 +1
        • 麻烦PM师傅的联系方式,谢谢!
    • 我二把刀瞎猜一下,把风扇打开到on,如果不吹风多半是温控器的原因
      • 事后来看,当然温控器没有问题。在未知的情况下,可以通过炉子上的指示信号灯来判断,师傅说一闪一闪的说明有正常的加热信号,来自温控器 +1