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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛PARTS COVERED
Comfort Heating Protection Plans:
The following is a complete list of parts covered by your Comfort Heating Protection Plan:
• Gas Burner and Orifices• Automatic Gas Control Valves• Gas Regulator• Electric Ignition System• Relay• Flame Spreader• Pilot Burner• Thermocouple/Generator• Fan and Limit Controls• Power Burner Motor• Heating Circuit Transformer• Venter Motor Assembly• Roll Out Switch• Vent System Pressure Switch• Condensate Pump• Furnace Low Voltage Circuit Fuse• Automatic Vent Damper/Motor• Aqua Stat Controls• Flow Switch• Pulley and Belt• Blower/Component• Fan Motor• Door Switch• Summer/Winter Switch• Thermostat (other than Wi-Fi enabled thermostats)
The following parts are excluded from coverage under your plan: heat exchanger, heating coil (air handler), heating sections (boiler), firebox/combustion chamber, furnace filters, low and high water cut-off valves, circulating pumps, zone valves, Wi-Fi enabled thermostats and parts added on to accommodate ancillary equipment such as air conditioners, humidifiers, etc. Replacement of the complete heating unit is not covered under any of these plans更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 修furnace太费钱了,我修了两次以后,决定加入Reliance Protection Plan $14.99/month. 上门修。具体看链接。
    Your comfort is our top priority. Reliance Home Comfort Protection and Maintenance Plans can help you save money and bring you peace of mind. Sign up today.
    • 卖房时候是个缺点 +1
      • 随时取消,我小气,只打算冬天付钱
        • 要签约十年的
          • $14.99 no term. 这个是protection plan 不是租furnace +1
    • 卖plan的? +5
      • 赞警惕性高,你另外记得微信付给我¥2
    • 我相信这个plan更贵。 +4
    • 一年180块不算贵,可以在炉子10年以后买。
      • 夏天无需付钱保暖炉。
    • furnace很多年了?
      • 要是很多年也就认了,关键是7年。两年前修过一次,说是motor坏了,换了。今年我楼上房间闻到一股焦味,打电话问师傅,他派了一个人来,这个人挺诚实的,左看看,又看看说是没坏。上门120还是要付的。
        • 那个plan里材料费也是要钱的吧?
          • 包括大部分parts
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛PARTS COVERED
            Comfort Heating Protection Plans:
            The following is a complete list of parts covered by your Comfort Heating Protection Plan:
            • Gas Burner and Orifices• Automatic Gas Control Valves• Gas Regulator• Electric Ignition System• Relay• Flame Spreader• Pilot Burner• Thermocouple/Generator• Fan and Limit Controls• Power Burner Motor• Heating Circuit Transformer• Venter Motor Assembly• Roll Out Switch• Vent System Pressure Switch• Condensate Pump• Furnace Low Voltage Circuit Fuse• Automatic Vent Damper/Motor• Aqua Stat Controls• Flow Switch• Pulley and Belt• Blower/Component• Fan Motor• Door Switch• Summer/Winter Switch• Thermostat (other than Wi-Fi enabled thermostats)
            The following parts are excluded from coverage under your plan: heat exchanger, heating coil (air handler), heating sections (boiler), firebox/combustion chamber, furnace filters, low and high water cut-off valves, circulating pumps, zone valves, Wi-Fi enabled thermostats and parts added on to accommodate ancillary equipment such as air conditioners, humidifiers, etc. Replacement of the complete heating unit is not covered under any of these plans更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 好像只包500元以下的材料费,超过还要收费
    • 以前低效炉简单可靠,用多少年都没事,高效率炉传感器多,故障隐患多, +4
      • 是的,我一个出租房furnace 50多年了没坏。效率不高,反正是租客付utility。 自己家高效炉,问题是有时候师傅来修,说换配件,谁知道坏了没坏?
    • 这个plan基本上就是给reliance送钱。我买过两次,都是以换炉子结束,也就是说如果reliance过来了算出维修费用会超过400块,它就会说修不了让你换炉子。当然你的炉子才7年,还是可以考虑用这个计划的。
      • 我本来想有个可靠的维修师傅也不错。这次他派了另外一个人来,来的师傅说$80, 然后跟老板通电话以后,他说老板说要$120. 看看没问题,觉得放心点。但是两个报价让我觉得不靠谱。以后不想找他了。
    • 买这没用,关键你用啥牌子的炉子
      • 我也怀疑是牌子不好。师傅说这个牌子/型号属于中高档。
    • 嘿嘿,一般来说,等你加入了这种plan,你炉子就好好的,一退出,就开始出毛病。
    • 如果你用CIBC的房贷,他们有home warranty plan 18.00 包所有电器的。我是不喜欢,这种plan就是给你换新的,也是换不是最好的牌子