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Sorry. 是另一段英文,没post上来。😛

If your attic joists won’t bear the weight necessary to finish out a living space but the engineer cleared them to support floor decking for light storage, you can install ½-inch plywood or oriented strand board (OSB) in 4-foot-by-8-foot panels over existing 16-inch OC joists. For joists spaced 24 inches OC, use thicker, ¾-inch plywood to prevent sagging between them. If you’re familiar with basic carpentry and framing techniques, installing decking for attic storage is a DIY-friendly project. Just remember: This type of attic flooring will provide storage space for overflow items and seasonal items, but it won’t pass muster as a living space floor.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 请教: 要买2×6×18的lumber. 在网上查Rona有卖的,但只能到store去买,不能delivered. ,怎么办? 大家怎么解决买长长木头并运回家的问题。Home depot 就没买的。
    • 需要18尺?切短拉回来不行吗
      • 不可以。用来做加固车库上方storage space 的load bearing beam. 现在的就是用短木头做的,邻居看了后说: 要有一条承重梁,不然,如果garage attic 上放太多太重,eventually 会把ceiling 搞垮。
        • 这活要是请师傅,就连工带料,自己不用去买了。 +1
          • garage 的简单装修,有师傅做吗?
        • 承重梁,2x6估计不行,四根2x10拼一起估计才行。
          • 计划两根glue在一起。车库呢,本来想的简单,结果被邻居一指点,就复杂了起来。现在储物的attic 就是用短lumber 用hardware 做支撑梁的,looks like this.


            • 没看出有啥结构上的问题,如果只是储物没有啥问题。 +1
              • 邻居没来前,也觉得没问题; 邻居来看了后,就指出问题了。油管上看了相关视频,老外的确是加了好几条承重梁,不过是单条单条的,不是三明治式的承重梁。邻居说如果不加横梁,年长日久,ceiling 会出问题。 +1
    • 18尺?要这么长干吗用?如果买的多,租个trailer拖回家,如果就两三根,绑车顶上。。。 +1
      • 不多,就需要两根。是准备用delivery service, 但现在online order都订不到,有图片,就买不到。
        • 你是啥车?前面,后面都用绳子固定到车上,就像车顶载一个canoe一样
          This time of year, you see a lot of canoes and kayaks going down the road tied to the top of cars. Some of them not as smartly anchored as others. One of the configurations that I see a lot is t...
          • 现在车顶上就扣了个canoe....18 FT. 比CANOE 长小半截。
            • 那还问啥,挖坑上瘾。 +2
      • 找个男人,绑自行车上,推车
        • 不如找两个男人,直接扛回家。。。 +1
          • 管饭吗? +1
            原来三 果 的腔调,三果要在就好了,做饭的时候还能帮助看孩子
        • 小北自行车队🤭 +1
          • 转弯是个技术活
            • 😆indeed.
    • 我当时运木头找了搬家公司,具体忘了多少钱,大概三百左右。连运带搬到后院,不过我的木头比较多,大概8-90根。你看看有没有搬家公司顺便送一下。还有一个就是自己租车,第三是看看其他店如LOWES,有没有送货的。18尺有些长,不容易找到车。
      • 谢谢。Rona, Lowes都查了,要special order. 因为还要订其它木头产品,想一并运回家。打了几通电话,还没搞明白,customer service 也回答的不明确。
        • 西白通常上當地Reddit 或kijji ,直接寫明目的,不過風險挺大.
          • 谢谢😉
    • 我刚刚申请了一个deck permit。跨度9尺,用2根2 x 10的做梁。你这个18尺,普通木头根本做不到。你需要去木材厂订特制梁LVL。而且你需要找结构工程师帮你设计一下。不光是梁,还有两端支撑的柱子。
      • 靠谱! +1
      • 谢谢。我的天啊,这是正儿八经的floor 结构了,事先没想到😔 看到老外写的东东,有道理吗? 他说的要点是什么?
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Ir is pretty common for people to think that their "reinforcement" of a truss will somehow make it better or stronger. In reality, you can do more harm than good by altering a truss and completely changing the stress and tension points on the truss. My best advice would be to not alter the truss at all... your framing proposal is of no help.
        Don't use 5/8" plywood as it only adds more weight... reducing the amount you can safely store. Use 3/8" or 1/2" plywood if you have to lay something down, and lay it perpendicular to the truss chords.

        Use common sense and do not overload the trusses. The bottom chord CAN be overloaded, it is already in tension, meaning the tendency will be for it to pull apart (or break) at the point of stress or where it is fastened with a mending plate, whichever is greater. Your trusses were engineered to only hold x amount of weight. Generally that is only meant to be it's own weight, the weight of the building materials that are already on it (drywall, sheathing, roofing) plus potential snow load, wind load and live load. The live load is your "storage" and it is a limited amount in that equation... generally it is anywhere from 5-10 lbs per sq ft, but we can't say for sure.

        How much your trusses are rated to hold is something only the mfg knows, or if you can find a tag or stamp, that might help.

        So without knowing for sure... don't concentrate loads, and don't put more up there than 5-10lbs per sq ft. If spread evenly, a 25x20 garage "could" support 2500 lbs @ 5lbs/sf. But don't start by putting 500 lbs of plywood up there.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 太麻烦了,建议把不用的东西都处理掉,麻烦都省了
          • 还是需要个storage space 的。比如: Christmas decorations, 装修用的好多东东,好多画框,一些暂时不用但将来可能会用的东东。。。多,多,多。
            • 建议扔掉(或送掉)不用的东东, live a simple life. you will be happier.
            • 堆车库里不行?把车停外面,好多人这么做
              • 以前就是堆车库,越来越乱了。。。高度怀疑我是hoarder ,因为做一些手工活,发现以前准备扔的东西,我都可以改造成好玩好看的东东,所以不想都扔光了😔
                • 我觉得,出去租个储物间比较好,省了这些麻烦,也会利索些
                  • 你越活越象老外,要么扔光光,要么租storage unit. 难不成要活动一下拿个体育用品也开车去storage unit 取?! 不好不好了😒😒
            • 画框堆车库?我们家地下室空空如也,没啥可存放的,车库就是yard用的东西,都不多
              • 我是hoarder 嘛,画框多到准备用来装饰地下室天花板🤣
        • 他说的很专业。他说不要私自改车库上的房架结构。原设计没有做仓储用途的房架没有计算储物的重量在内,会塌的。你去拍一张上面的照片来看看有没有他说的危险存在。
          • 看来关键是不能放太重的东西。Garage attic 是前屋主建的,比较简陋,已经有点saggy 现象出现☹
          • 记得小时候在老家,盖房子的陀(不知哪个汉字),是个最粗最关键的木头,花钱也最多。历来都是工字陀,村里的木匠都知道怎么做,突然新鲜事物来了,人字陀,木匠们照猫画虎做人字陀盖小学校,结果很快就出问题了。现在咱读过力学,回想当时的情景,知道大概是怎么回事了
      • 请四友解释一下这段英文,有些术语看不懂,谢谢🙏
        • 图上蓝色的可能就是你现在仓库的底了,原本设计只是受水平的拉力(tension)。你现在放重物上去完全改变了原设计的受力方向因为重量是向下的。那根木条最终会吃不消的。
          • 是的,油管上分析了这个受力的问题,这样的工程好象不是diy friendly.

        • Sorry. 是另一段英文,没post上来。😛
          If your attic joists won’t bear the weight necessary to finish out a living space but the engineer cleared them to support floor decking for light storage, you can install ½-inch plywood or oriented strand board (OSB) in 4-foot-by-8-foot panels over existing 16-inch OC joists. For joists spaced 24 inches OC, use thicker, ¾-inch plywood to prevent sagging between them. If you’re familiar with basic carpentry and framing techniques, installing decking for attic storage is a DIY-friendly project. Just remember: This type of attic flooring will provide storage space for overflow items and seasonal items, but it won’t pass muster as a living space floor.
          • 说了两点:第一点是尽量减轻楼板的自重。楼板通常是4尺x8尺。减轻重量只能选用薄一点的楼板,比如用1/2寸厚的在梁距16寸的房架上,用3/4寸厚的在梁距24寸的房架上;第二点是这种储藏空间只适合于少量轻质季节性物品,绝不可以住人。
            • Thank you very much 🙏