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  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 请问图中圈红色的是个什么装置,水会从里面溢出。


    • ... +2
      Climate change is overburdening our storm water and sewer systems. Along with the increased frequency of extreme weather conditions in recent years, homeowners are seeing an increase in water damage and home insurance premiums. Something as small as this can save your property from water damage. Canplas backwater valves have been a staple in basement flood … Continue reading "What’s keeping this…out of this?"
      • 太感谢,所以说不是下水道堵了,是某种原因,外面的水倒流进来了。英文有些看不懂
        • fitting 的边缘已经有 enough info 了。我看不大清。你自己看清到网上找找,然后顺着 pipe 前前后后走走,把 system 先弄明白。
        • most likely it is a backwater valve.
          • 您也太牛啦。是Canplas,BWV, back water valve. 回头会有人来修,多谢多谢。我也自己多学习学习。 +1
            • 这个不是BWV, 而是DWV, drain, waste and vent fitting. 这个是3" by 11/2" bushing, 用来连接厨房sink 到主下水管clean out 的
            • That is not a back water valve. BWV is installed at main sewage pipe right before it exits the house, below basement floor. That is just a clear out.
            • Also think about it, it is common sense. If you install a BWV above basement floor it is useless as water would flood your basement from basement drain in furnace room or basement toilet.
          • Backwater valve 不可能是垂直安装,它的工作原理决定了只能水平安装!
    • ....
    • 如果水从你那个竖直的管子溢出,说明你外面的水管堵了
      • 要么你家地势太低
        • 我们是有点斜度,我家也不是最低的。我再多搜一下,多了解
      • 多谢
    • 多数情况下是从旁边clean out cap 漏,这个可以拧紧,如果从上面黄色接缝漏,说明ABS cement 有问题。
      • 根据您的意思,看样子不像是BWV, BWV好像是 水平安装的