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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Squatter’s Rights – Reiner V. Truxa

The Reiners commenced a property survey which showed that the neighbours, the Truxa-Sanis, driveway encroached onto their land. The Reiners requested the Truxa-Sanis remove the offending part of their driveway. However, the Truxa-Sanis argued that the portion of land became their own through Squatter’s rights. [5] Both properties were converted from the Registry system in 2001 and in order to successfully put forth a claim of Squatter’s rights, the Truxa-Sanis needed to prove that they or their predecessors in title had maintained: [6]

actual possession for the statutory period – in this case, ten years – by themselves and those through whom they claim;
that such possession was with the intention of excluding from possession the owner or persons entitled to possession; and,
discontinuance of possession for the statutory period by the owner and all others, if any, entitled to possession. [7]
The court was satisfied with the evidence before them that the Truxa-Sanis had successfully proved their claim of Squatter’s rights. [8] As a result, the property in dispute became the Truxa-Sanis through Squatter’s rights and they were not required to remove the portion of their driveway in dispute.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 请问,邻居把草地分界处建一段fence,我认为是建在了我的property line 他认为是在他的地盘上,如果他执意要这么建,政府有地方管这事吗?今天打311,给了个邮件地址,回邮件是政府不管,叫找律师。是这样的吗?谢谢!
    • 找survey
    • 把界桩找出来,也许被拔了,那要通过法律告要求修复,市政也会参与。不打官司找地产律师领保险赔偿也常见。
      • 谢谢各位的建议。5年前买的房子 没有看到过界桩。界桩很明显吗?
        • 大块头铁钎,埋了7厘米左右深
        • 看你家的图纸啊
    • 还有现在的房子都有survey,是不是就算他现在圈一点地,实际上他也不能把地占为己有。
      • 如果你不反对的话,时间久了,就是他的了。
        • 没有逆权侵占一说,现在的registration都是online的,只有还没转到Tara net的老房子还承认Adverse possession
          • 我查过,安省好象在98年之后就全部实现电子子Survey,逆权侵占不再成立。但对于未做电子Survey的,逆权侵占还有可能发生。
          • 读一读案例就知道这说法不正确
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Squatter’s Rights – Reiner V. Truxa

            The Reiners commenced a property survey which showed that the neighbours, the Truxa-Sanis, driveway encroached onto their land. The Reiners requested the Truxa-Sanis remove the offending part of their driveway. However, the Truxa-Sanis argued that the portion of land became their own through Squatter’s rights. [5] Both properties were converted from the Registry system in 2001 and in order to successfully put forth a claim of Squatter’s rights, the Truxa-Sanis needed to prove that they or their predecessors in title had maintained: [6]

            actual possession for the statutory period – in this case, ten years – by themselves and those through whom they claim;
            that such possession was with the intention of excluding from possession the owner or persons entitled to possession; and,
            discontinuance of possession for the statutory period by the owner and all others, if any, entitled to possession. [7]
            The court was satisfied with the evidence before them that the Truxa-Sanis had successfully proved their claim of Squatter’s rights. [8] As a result, the property in dispute became the Truxa-Sanis through Squatter’s rights and they were not required to remove the portion of their driveway in dispute.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • reverse possession是个法律问题,跟survey没有直接关系。只要土地被人圈掉,原主不反对就会出现。边界误差除外。这种案子不少,经常看英文新闻就知道 +1
    • 借贴问一下,现在的survey都有地界四角的坐标,买什么测量仪器能根据坐标精确定位地界的四角?
      • rent is better
        • 有租的最好👍
          • So someone can calibrate for you
    • 大炮是矫正边界的仪器 +2
      • Agree +1
      • 去和邻居打一架,赢了就撤,边界不边界无所谓了。。。 +1
    • 明确的回答你,政府不会管。必须找survey公司重新划线。如果邻居是个狠人,你就自己先建fence隔开。现在看你的邻居不太好说话,做好花钱的准备吧。
    • 等他建好了再打官司,打赢了他还得拆
      • 别坑人,一点性价比都没有。你不懂这里的游戏规则。
    • 和为贵,我想不出占别人那一点点便宜有什么用啊,可以多种一行菜还是多种一排花,商量一下看看为什么双方都认为那是自己的地盘呢?对方有survey拿出来也行