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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 需要重新做車庫水泥地面(打掉現有的,重新灌注水泥),請推薦一個比較可靠的師傅或公司,謝謝。 +2
    • 能将就着修一修就别重新灌。下面是双向钢筋插墙里的,打掉重来挺贵的。 +2
      • 很多builder都是用wire mesh了
        • Ontario Building Code (2)5寸厚;(3)10m 钢筋间隔20公分;(4)10m钢筋锚固在墙上,间隔60公分。Builder 用wire mesh不能作为范例,那是偷工减料,因为通常这种小地方政府不坚持一定先验收后灌混凝土。 +1
          • You are quoting But read "This Section does not apply to reinforced concrete slabs intended to support motor vehicles". The code requirement is 3" thick with wire mesh reinforcement. I can't remember which section it came from though.
          • Read Page 8. 3" poured concrete slab. Optional welded wire mesh in center of slab. 4" compacted granular fill. +3
          • This is standard Toronto Area Chief Building Officials Committee (TACBOC) detail drawing for residential garage, in compliance of Ontario Building Code: 75mm POURED CONCRETE SLAB, OPTIONAL WWM REINFORCING IN CENTER OF SLAB +3
          • 謝謝,這個信息很重要!
            • I just want to remind you that what he is quoting does not apply to garage. The Ontario code has always been 3 inches with optional wire mesh reinforcement for garage.
              • Thanks. I got it. All the quotes so far came to me with wire mesh and minimum 5" thick for the slab. But rebar was optional.
                • That is just bullshit they are cheating you. If the original thickness is 3 inches and they said they would do 5 inch that means they are going to remove 2 inch of gravel so you are losing 2 inch of gravel! +1
                  But gravel is just as important as the concrete itself to support the weight of the slab and car. Unless they remove all the gravels and dig deeper to remove 2 inch of extra soil under the gravel, what they proposed do not make sense!
                  • I will be watching on site for sure. But you had a good point.
                    • It's also agreeing on the scope of work. If they are not going to dig 2 inch deeper and replace all the gravel vs. they are not going to dig, the cost is very different.
                      Having said that, I agree with others you are looking for a cosmetic make over and you don't need to do this.
      • 是貴,面積350平方尺,Quotes are over $5000
    • 表面敲去1-2 寸,重新铺这 1-2 寸就可以吧。
      • no way it has wire mesh or steel rod in the concrete. You have to remove the whole thing +3
        • We did a large garage concrete floor resurfacing a few years back in the same way. And a few flood control structures.
          • Maybe US standards is different than Canada. +2
            Did you use steel mesh or steel rod in your project? How can you only remove the surface in a residential project where contractors simply use jack hammer to break the concrete (where it will simply rip it apart)?
            • I don’t think all Canadian residential slabs are 3-4 inch deep. If they are, then you are correct. And I hope these houses can last.
              • 3~4" is the standards in Canada. That is why you reinforce with steel rod or mesh 6~8" of gravel under. They all last. +4
                • 3-4” under a house? LOL. It would make sense to me the thinnest edge of garage is 4” then it will go thicker.
                  • Yes. Ontario code requires only 3" inch thick so all the houses are built based on this standard. +3
                    Builder typically will not go above the minimum code requirements. Nothing wrong with that. You should check your local building code. I will be surprised if it is very different as North American building codes are all similar.
                  • I did a quick google search and the code requirements for Florida is 3 1/2 inch thick with wire mesh reinforcement for garage +2
        • That's the answer I've got from 2-3 builders. I originally wanted to resurface it. Of course people may say the bigger the project is, the more they could make out of it.
    • 我也想做,有经验的说说
    • 查了一下可以用resurfacer重新做一下地面
      • 麻烦您可以说的详细一些吗?或者推荐我去哪里找找经验?这么多年被融化的盐雪水弄的坑坑洼洼的表面 好老掉灰。谢谢了
        • 我去年春天去homeshow,好几家做这个,先把地弄平,再刷一层。
        • 去YouTube上找 how to resurface concrete...很多录像

          • The condition of this surface being re-surfaced in this video is way better than my current surface.
    • 直接上一层铝板。
      • 成本如何?350 Square Feet,鋁板如何固定?現在的水泥表面已經不平整了。
    • 謝謝所有回覆我的朋友。如果只是把現有水泥表面打掉2“,再重新灌注,這樣做倒是省錢不少,但將來會有什麼問題?壽命能否達到10年以上?這房子是70年代初的。
      • The problem is it is impossible. Residential contractor only uses 重型冲击钻. It's impossible for them to remove 2 inch of surface when the total thickness is just above 3 inches. When they use jack hammer, it will just break the whole thing into pieces.
        • Really makes sense now. Thanks man.
    • 上幾張圖供大家評估





      • Apply self leveling concrete then install products like these
      • 你这个就重做面完全可以。只有结构严重损害才重做,如有重大裂缝,塌陷,倾斜,等。 +2
        • 我現在開始詢價這樣做的可能性,確實沒有結構性的重大缺陷。
      • 你这个情况需要重做了 , 不能resurface, 不然几年后就会开裂脱落 +1
        • 這正是我的擔心,沒經驗,舉棋不定寢食難安啊
    • 你这车库地面没必要打掉重做, (不差钱的另说)有一种方法保证效果好,并且省钱。 +1
      • 請遠帆達人明示一下。
      • 有一點很明確,那就是,差錢。哈!
    • 不知道你的房子是那年建的,仅供参考。近二十年内正规Builder建的房子,Garage的Slab on Grade基本上都是4“ 的concrete slab或更厚些至6”。 至少会有两条Grade Beam, +1
      有的会加 6x6 wire mesh,有的不加。最关键的是:concrete至少是32 MPa. 加 5%-8%的air entrainment。至于resurface, 我周围的朋友没有人用过,不知道用多少年可以不开裂。厂家说是只是他们按一定条件做出的数据,和实际应用比有多大差距不清楚。
      • 1970年代初建造的房子,所以至少50年了。