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consecutive means 连续. sorry for the bad news. But ==>

" In certain circumstances, you can meet OSAP's Ontario residency requirements on the basis of the residency of your partner (if applicable) or parent(s)(if applicable). "

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 我在安省已经累积住满1年,今年去BC省读MASTER,请问我可以申请联邦LOAN和安省LOAN吗?大概多少钱?谢谢前辈回复!
    • yes, you can. fill in your application online, it will give you estimation after submit.
    • and not sure what you mean by 累积住满1年, OSAP requires consecutive 12 months before program start date.
      • 我首次LANDING后,在TORONTO连续住了3个月,回国半年后,又在TORONTO连续住满9个月,又回国至今。所以累计12个月。今年准备去BC省读MASTER。您的意思是,我连联邦LOAN都不能申请吗?谢谢回复!
        • consecutive means 连续. sorry for the bad news. But ==>
          " In certain circumstances, you can meet OSAP's Ontario residency requirements on the basis of the residency of your partner (if applicable) or parent(s)(if applicable). "
        • 请教前辈,像我这样可以申请联邦LOAN吗?其他省的LOAN在哪儿查阅?谢谢!
          • google search "Canada/Ontario/Alberta/Whatever student loan" or ask financial aid office in your school.