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  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 一直有疑问,一般地下室基础墙底部都有weeping tile来收集地下水,这收集来的水最终流到哪儿?有些地下室有sump pump,通过它来将水排出,但很多地下室没有sump pump。
    • a) Exterior weeping tile or French drains manage water at ground level before it can get into your basement. The system consists of a trench that is sloped away from the house,
      gravel and pipe. Surface water soaks into the ground, filtered through the gravel, through the holes in the pipe and channeled away from the house.
      b) Interior weeping tile is often used when an exterior weeping system has failed. This system is installed under the basement floor where water is directed to a sump pump, through the pipes and to an exterior storm sewer. Installing a French drain beneath the basement floor is similar to installing a sump pump. A 12-inch wide by 12-inch deep trench is cut around the entire perimeter of the basement. A pipe is placed inside, filled with course gravel and covered with concrete.
      • channel away from house, 最终去哪里了,土里,还是市政雨水管道?
        • 肯定是土里了,远离房子地基就是了。
    • weeping tiles并不是千篇一律的。新房通常都有。老房很多没有。老房子有的weeping tiles接到化粪池里了,你看不见。
      • 那新一点的weeping tile 的终端接到哪里?
        • 水往低处流。假如地处坡地,可以排往坡下。可以排如政府雨水管网。一般做法是接地下室的井里,再泵出去。
          • 很多地下室没有井,没有水泵啊。
    • 至少是新和比较新的小区,都有人工或天然 stormwater pond,每房外沿雨水管都通到这个小湖,暴雨后我看到湖水涨一二米,然后这个小湖有一人多高的涵洞通到河流,慢慢疏洪。链接是渥太华市 stormwater management 介绍
      • 你的意思是各家各户的weeping tile 的终端都连到市政的雨水管道?
        • 对呀,楼上图示就是这么画的。很老的房子可能没有,比较新的都会连通

          • 图上看不出从各家各户出来的是埋在地下的weeping tile, 还是在地面上的雨水。
    • weeping tile和雨水是排到storm drain的,然后排到湖里,新房子是这样的。老房子就一条drain,雨大的时候drain就会到灌到basement


      • 这个明确