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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

拿到U Ottawa的systems science的grduate certificate的admission,大家帮忙出出主意该去吗?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这个不是degree,只是一个一年的certiciate,大家帮我看看这个的就业前景如何,值的去吗?
The graduate program in Systems Science is specially designed for those who are interested in the analysis and modelling (mathematical and computer) of natural and man-made systems. It provides the professional with skills and knowledge required to understand, control, predict and optimize behaviour in a variety of fields from engineering and computer science to management and applied economics. An interdisciplinary program of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, it is supervised by a Committee composed of representatives from the Faculty of Economics, the School of Information Technology and Engineering, the School of Management, and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

All students must complete 15 credits as follows:

1. Core courses

Four from among the following five courses:
SYS 5100 Systems Engineering (3 cr.)
SYS 5110 Foundations of Modelling and Simulation (3 cr.)
SYS 5120 Applied Probability (3 cr.)
SYS 5130 Systems Optimization and Management (3 cr.)
SYS 5140 Economic System Design (3 cr.)
SYS 5160 Systems Integration (3 cr.)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 拿到U Ottawa的systems science的grduate certificate的admission,大家帮忙出出主意该去吗?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这个不是degree,只是一个一年的certiciate,大家帮我看看这个的就业前景如何,值的去吗?
    The graduate program in Systems Science is specially designed for those who are interested in the analysis and modelling (mathematical and computer) of natural and man-made systems. It provides the professional with skills and knowledge required to understand, control, predict and optimize behaviour in a variety of fields from engineering and computer science to management and applied economics. An interdisciplinary program of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, it is supervised by a Committee composed of representatives from the Faculty of Economics, the School of Information Technology and Engineering, the School of Management, and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

    All students must complete 15 credits as follows:

    1. Core courses

    Four from among the following five courses:
    SYS 5100 Systems Engineering (3 cr.)
    SYS 5110 Foundations of Modelling and Simulation (3 cr.)
    SYS 5120 Applied Probability (3 cr.)
    SYS 5130 Systems Optimization and Management (3 cr.)
    SYS 5140 Economic System Design (3 cr.)
    SYS 5160 Systems Integration (3 cr.)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我也拿到这个offer了,没打算去,听起来没有什么用。
      • 请问你有其他offer吗?是觉得这个就业前景不行吗?还有你是什么背景的呀?
    • 你自己喜欢吗?还有其他offer吗?
      • 我是报ecommerce,被他们调过来的,所以根本没有思想准备。估计不会拿到其他offer了,你是被哪个系录取的啊?
        • 我喜欢的专业一个也不要我,我只拿到ECON和MBA的。
    • 如果没有其他Offer的话还是从了吧,看你的描述好像也和Economy沾点边,它的学分一定是可以承认或转的,如果想拿学位再申请时也用得着。顺便问一句,这个课程的学费是多少?
      • 都现在这个时候了,其他的offer也不敢期望了,学费倒是便宜,3200, 对了我的背景是compuer science,要不就只能把这当练英语的机会了。
    • 我多句嘴吧:这种交叉学科一般适合在经济形式好的时候读(能和热门专业沾点边),或者适合有明确学习和工作计划的人(知道自己在那四五个专业里侧重那个方向)。否则请慎重考虑。(风险自负)
      • 谢谢你的意见,我真是对这个专业不太了解。感觉是在计算机方面的发展方向是建模和系统整合为主,类似于系统工程。但也和我以前的经历不合。请继续发表精彩意见
        • 精彩不敢当,门外汉,也只能提供些泛泛而谈的意见。祝你好运。
    • 昨天终于打电话找到人,一番交涉以后,发现由于她一个人要管ebusiness,ecommerce和systems science的申请,错误的把我的申请当成了systems science在处理,现在他们又要重新evaluate我的ecommerce申请了,郁闷
      • 那也不错阿,至少还有机会。不过你可要盯紧点,会不会名额有限阿
        • 怎么盯啊,人说了下周给我答复。我现在也不想太多了,免得头痛
        • 你是肯定去读经济,是吗?那到时候见啊,
    • 那个也想报的朋友,这些certificate都是要toefl成绩的,至于deadline你最好自己问系上。