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Pros and Cons of Boiler Heat

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我理解是缺点太多。大部分人不用是有原因的。

Pros and Cons of Boiler Heat


Even heat: One of the best things about boiler heat (especially compared to forced-air systems) is they distribute heat evenly throughout the house, so you won’t find yourself contending with cold spots, chilly rooms, and fluctuating temperatures around the house. They also tend to maintain a more consistent temperature, as forced-air furnaces are known for sometimes causing peaks and dips as the furnace cycles on and off.

Silence: Newer hydronic heating systems are extremely quiet, to the point where you probably won’t even know the system is running. However, it should be noted that if you have an old system in your home, then the radiators can be quite noisy as they heat up and cool down, and they may ‘clang’ at times.

Zone control: Even if you don’t have zone control set up already, it’s simple and easy to add this feature to your system, allowing you to manage and customize how heat is distributed throughout your house. Simply shutting the valve for a radiator in a given part of the house can work as well.

Clean air: Hydronic systems don’t rely on air to heat your home, so they provide a cleaner living space in terms of air quality. Furnaces can push dust, dirt, allergens, and other particulates around your house, so boiler systems are ideal if air quality is a top concern. That being said, forced-air systems with advanced air filtration systems can actually help keep your home’s air cleaner.

Economy: For the most part, boiler systems are cheaper to run than forced-air ones, and this means you can keep your family comfortable for less during the cold winter months. (Note there are obviously many variables to the cost of heating a home, including its size, insulation, fuel type, where you live and local climate, and personal preferences and useage, among others)

Maintenance: Boiler systems require very little maintenance, including that you don’t have to replace filters regularly.

Comfort: Although this is a matter of personal preference, many people find the heat from boiler systems—including from radiators, baseboards, or in-floor systems—is more comfortable than the heat provided by furnaces. Forced-air heating, especially with a cheaper or single stage furnace, and a poorly-insulated home can have a tendency to cause temperatures to fluctuate.


Installation costs: Boiler systems can be a bit more expensive to install than forced-air ones, and this is especially true if your home needs to be outfitted with all the piping, radiators, and other infrastructure.

Replacement costs: If anything ever malfunctions or breaks with a boiler, the cost for replacing parts tends to be somewhat more expensive than with a forced-air system.

Slower temperature response: When most people change the thermostat, they expect instant results from their heating system, but boilers can take longer to adjust to new temperature settings as the radiators are filled with hot water, thus taking longer for heat to dissipate than the air from a forced-air heating system.

Over-heating: This is more of a problem in apartment buildings or other situations where you may not have direct control over the system, thus sometimes leading to the system heating your living space beyond what is comfortable. Although this can also occur in a single-family home because as mentioned above, boiler and radiator heating systems tend to respond more slowly and therefore it can take longer to lower the ambient temperature. This can also be wasteful as people may resort to opening windows in the middle of the winter to cool rooms down.

No cooling option: Boilers can’t be combined with a home cooling system, nor can they be used to cool your home during the summer months. Because of this, you will need a separate infrastructure like ductwork for an air conditioning system, or relying on ductless systems.

Potential for water leaks: While this problem is rare, boilers do come with a risk for water leaks.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 想电暖改气暖,请有改过的朋友请分享一下经验。另外天然气管道估计得明年开春接到接进户,想先安装风道,不知可行否?
    • 你在多伦多吗?多伦多电费这么贵,
      你居然还用得起这清洁能源?你这工作我做过, 在多伦多是电改气, 在魁北克, 由于电费比其他能源比如煤气, 燃油都便宜, 所以在魁北克又倒过来气改电取暖, 说实话, 最好的取暖能源还是电取暖, 清洁, 无噪音, 干净, 取暖设备便宜, 便于维护, 这是上选, 如果你不差钱,就不要瞎折腾了.
      • 谢谢回复,我在多伦多。另外欢迎你回多村。
        • 我现在就在多伦多,有问题随时给我打电话, 450-931-0698, 不过我现在在一家公司上班, 只有周末才有时间, 不过有问题可以打电话给我, 我可以给予解答.
          • 谢谢
    • Townhouse? 以前朋友好像花了2万块钱,而且由于管道空间失去不少。
      • 谢谢回复
      • 我帮老外改过, 用不了那么多钱, 不过具体房子的风管走向不同, 再有一个,多伦多大多数人都喜欢用风暖系统, 这是因为原来电费便宜, 可以装中央空调, 现在电费这么贵, 好多家有中央空调都不开, 热的受不了就在主要房间加装窗式空调, 我们家就是这样, 穷人吗, 只有这样穷对付.
        其实你不要再改为风暖系统, 虽然风暖系统是多伦多的潮流, 但已经是昔日黄花, 随着电费飙升, 他已经失去他的贵族优势, 好多家庭仍然眷恋着在美国还仍然风行的热水取暖系统, 这种系统就目前的多伦多的城市现况, 是最经济的选择,,他要比你装风暖容易很多,,所以我们决定一件不要跟风, 要用脑袋去思考问题.
        • 我们家喜欢水暖,不喜欢风暖。水暖安静,温度平均,变化小,起停噪音小。
          • 水暖当然好了,国内北方都是水暖,一般家庭是没有办法选择这个。水暖的好处是保温性能很好,温度几乎不会跳变。
            • 中央空调咋办?水冷? +1
              • 他说了,装窗式空调。嘿嘿。。。
                • Pros and Cons of Boiler Heat
                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我理解是缺点太多。大部分人不用是有原因的。

                  Pros and Cons of Boiler Heat


                  Even heat: One of the best things about boiler heat (especially compared to forced-air systems) is they distribute heat evenly throughout the house, so you won’t find yourself contending with cold spots, chilly rooms, and fluctuating temperatures around the house. They also tend to maintain a more consistent temperature, as forced-air furnaces are known for sometimes causing peaks and dips as the furnace cycles on and off.

                  Silence: Newer hydronic heating systems are extremely quiet, to the point where you probably won’t even know the system is running. However, it should be noted that if you have an old system in your home, then the radiators can be quite noisy as they heat up and cool down, and they may ‘clang’ at times.

                  Zone control: Even if you don’t have zone control set up already, it’s simple and easy to add this feature to your system, allowing you to manage and customize how heat is distributed throughout your house. Simply shutting the valve for a radiator in a given part of the house can work as well.

                  Clean air: Hydronic systems don’t rely on air to heat your home, so they provide a cleaner living space in terms of air quality. Furnaces can push dust, dirt, allergens, and other particulates around your house, so boiler systems are ideal if air quality is a top concern. That being said, forced-air systems with advanced air filtration systems can actually help keep your home’s air cleaner.

                  Economy: For the most part, boiler systems are cheaper to run than forced-air ones, and this means you can keep your family comfortable for less during the cold winter months. (Note there are obviously many variables to the cost of heating a home, including its size, insulation, fuel type, where you live and local climate, and personal preferences and useage, among others)

                  Maintenance: Boiler systems require very little maintenance, including that you don’t have to replace filters regularly.

                  Comfort: Although this is a matter of personal preference, many people find the heat from boiler systems—including from radiators, baseboards, or in-floor systems—is more comfortable than the heat provided by furnaces. Forced-air heating, especially with a cheaper or single stage furnace, and a poorly-insulated home can have a tendency to cause temperatures to fluctuate.


                  Installation costs: Boiler systems can be a bit more expensive to install than forced-air ones, and this is especially true if your home needs to be outfitted with all the piping, radiators, and other infrastructure.

                  Replacement costs: If anything ever malfunctions or breaks with a boiler, the cost for replacing parts tends to be somewhat more expensive than with a forced-air system.

                  Slower temperature response: When most people change the thermostat, they expect instant results from their heating system, but boilers can take longer to adjust to new temperature settings as the radiators are filled with hot water, thus taking longer for heat to dissipate than the air from a forced-air heating system.

                  Over-heating: This is more of a problem in apartment buildings or other situations where you may not have direct control over the system, thus sometimes leading to the system heating your living space beyond what is comfortable. Although this can also occur in a single-family home because as mentioned above, boiler and radiator heating systems tend to respond more slowly and therefore it can take longer to lower the ambient temperature. This can also be wasteful as people may resort to opening windows in the middle of the winter to cool rooms down.

                  No cooling option: Boilers can’t be combined with a home cooling system, nor can they be used to cool your home during the summer months. Because of this, you will need a separate infrastructure like ductwork for an air conditioning system, or relying on ductless systems.

                  Potential for water leaks: While this problem is rare, boilers do come with a risk for water leaks.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • 现在出了你这种土豪外好多贫下中农都用不起中央制冷,
                实在热得受不了就装一个窗式空调, 不过现在已经推出一种三连到五连的分体式空调, 前两个月我就去美国帮客户装了一个三连的分体空调, 可以分别控制各个区域的温度,这种空调不需要专业人员, 一般人都会自己安装, 三连的好像就2000美元, 但它比中央空调要省好多电, 它的最大优点是分别控制不同的房子的温度.
                • 知道窗式空调的致命伤吗? 噪音无法忍受。吵得睡不着觉。宁远热也不开。
                  • 难道加拿大没有分体式空调?
                    • 请人装的话一个两千,一个4000尺房子起码6个
                • 用不了那么多电吧。费用没有到了不能接受的程度吧
                  • 就是,整个夏天空调费用也就是多3箱的汽油钱而已嘛。
            • 水暖有很多致命问题
              • 另外,水暖制热,但不换气。要新鲜空气只能开窗。老房子水暖还能用,就继续用。新装修不应该考虑。
                • 还有空气会很干燥,每个房间还要配个加湿器
                  • 就是。前几天去冰岛,他们没有烘干机,就把湿衣服挂水暖片上。衣服干了,房子也加湿了。
        • 水暖卖房子不利,
          • 瞎说, 那是旧黄历, 我还在想是不是把我家风暖系统改为水暖系统.
            • 现在还能买到新的水暖系统,估计很难了吧。
          • 新建房子无论普通还是豪宅无论condo还是house没有人用水暖,只有basement和一些洗手间用radiant heat是用水,但和这位天马行空大哥说的是两码事
            • 看得我也是一头雾水
              • 你再搅一下就更不知道啦……
    • 工程很大,ceiling,墙都要砸掉,