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  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / Shed 水泥基座
    • 我在Hamilton地区
      • Hamilton 劳力便宜,找个老外做吧。
      • 自己平整好地面,打个木框,然后打电话叫水泥车送mix好的水泥,自己用推车接了倒进去就好了,去年我们刚刚自己做的,不难,也不累,如果没记错的话我用的是这家 +1
        • 看图 +1




          • 多谢你的信息。你的尺寸是多少的呀?水泥要了多少钱?
            • 8x8的,具体多少钱忘了,大概300不到,还是300出头来着
              • 高 多少呀?
                • 我的地面有坡,深的一边有10寸吧,浅的一边4-5寸
    • 好像华人做水泥活的人不多呀?
      • 水泥活没有技术含量,苦力活,可以自己干
        • 苦活才要找人干吧,自己干技术含量高的 +2
          • 这个我同意,苦活还是找人吧!
          • 苦活能做但不想做。技术活想做但不会做。 +4
            • 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,太懂生活了。
          • 如果太小的活就没人接了
    • How big of your she'd? Is the location really awkward?
      • No, you actually got plenty of room to do this project
        • 12*10 feet approximately
          • I used plywood and pressure treated wood as base with the aid of level. +1
        • Me? I already had one.
    • 你这小面积的很少有contractor会愿意做。自己弄吧,不难,先用木条围起来,买那些mixed好的cement,倒里面,浇水,和稀泥,然后拉平就好了。想再简单的,用沙和小碎石把地整平了,放slab了。
      • 多谢了。我的基座的面积是12×10 feet. 这要不少水泥吧。我自己整还是觉得有点累
        • 按这尺码估计,30公斤一包的水泥石子要一百包左右,自己做,要有点心里准备啊
      • 有人会做,不过要等到秋后。
        • At $5/sqft for 12x10?
          • Forget about it.
            • See,that is what I wanted to point out. At $10/sqft, maybe someone is going to do it.
              • Doubt it. Why don’t you ask for a quote, you don’t have to get quotes from a Chinese.
                • Why do I need to get a quote?
                  • When you hire a handy man, doing any kind of Reno, you call someone and get a quote, please enlighten me if there is a better way.
                    • If I would want to build one, why do I need to hire a handy man for this easy job?
        • 给我个会做的人的电话,我和他聊聊。谢谢!
          • Dave 705 - 309 - 1564 gtforming@gmail.com, let us know how it goes.
            • One more tel:416-825-3334
    • How much will you pay?
      • How much would you like to charge, instead? Contractor makes an offer. Is that the way it is?
        • Only when they are hungry, this time of year every body is busy.
          • My timeline is flexible. Make an offer, anytime is convenient to you, I might take it
            • $8000看看远帆同学接不接? +1
              • 我女儿家 去年请人做过小库房子的地基,水泥的,花了3500.工人是她们家附近的以前住户。也是她们的邻居帮助介绍来的。看着还好吧。祝好运! +1
                • 我邻居铺的shed地基好像是约 $7/sqft 的,但工人是在同一条街上做个三到四万的工程顺带帮做的。
              • 这活是个人就会做, 我才不做这种没技术含量的小工作呢, 你自己买几袋水泥和沙,小石子混合的水泥, 订好木框, 把水泥搅拌好后到进去,上面抹平就好了. +1
                • 哎,看钱份上也不行么。
                  • 你给钱啊? +1
                    • 我给钱呀!你报个价呗?
                      • 做这玩意好意思要别人8000?打劫啊?
        • This time of the year for something like this, you probably won’t find anybody.
          • Like I said, I'm not in rush. The project can be made at off-peak season if you like
            • It is better if you do it yourself. Not hard. Learn on yourtube.
              • Thank you for you suggestion. I do consider it a hard work if it is just on myself
        • I recommend you contact a ready mix concrete supplier and ask for a price.
          Likely $600 ish. Then you form yourself. Then drive around to find contraction nearby and find concrete guys and go to 搭话。then you can likely find the laborer. Then you arrange the truck and laborer.
          • How about prep work, don’t you need to dig and lay gravel etc?
            • Sure. you can make an offer on any work, or you can just charge your labor. Is that sound good?
            • Dig yes form yes gravel no
          • I did. I knew the material cost on the ball park. I just want to know your labor cost.
            • I am in Virginia. I was trying to find out how I could provide info.
          • Thank you for the recommendation.
    • I would looooooooove to do it myself just for shaking off few extra body fat. Start by making a wooden box, dump some gravels, lay a wire mesh, order cement, level it up. or even plug some anchor strews. +1
      • 木马姐说挖泥不用gravel,你的方法恰恰相反,能解释一下吗。 +1
        • 预制板需要一定的厚度,全部用水泥很贵。用crushed stones做base,夯一夯,再浇预制板,不仅更结实,还能省几个。 +1
          • 但是为啥不挖泥呢?
    • 如果买pre-mixed的水泥,是直接倒在Slab里搅动,还是先倒在Mixer里搅拌好了,然后倒在slab里?
      • 别自己折腾了,别想那是容易的活。俺家的小房子就是觉得是个人就能做的,偏偏就是自我打脸!没想到冬天积雪化冰搞得满地都是冰水,无奈请人重做了。该花的钱和卖的力气一点都没省!仅供您参考啊!祝好运!
    • 做什么水泥的真麻烦,看看俺做的木底座


      • Good job!
      • 你的Shed是买的那种吧?
    • 整个浇筑混凝土,这在专业上交raft foundation,shed 的foundation有这个做法,但我觉得,没必要,shed也不是砖混结构,跟deck 类似,周边多做些post,挖4 尺深。如果是背风的地方,(不会被风吹起来,)做floated都行。 +1
      • 这个方法听起来不错呀,如果是木制的Shed,Post承重可以吗?
        • 当然
    • 不太大的话用这个应该可以吧
      • 这个就是floated 结构用的
      • 周邊的各種動物都很開心
    • 去年我請人做了一個
      • 如圖



        • 能给个联系方式吗?
          • PM
    • 我老爸在中国就是做这些的,你要是想的话我可以帮你问一下
      • 好呀,你帮我问问呗
        • 我爸说太远了
    • 大概五六年前,我自己做的。10’ x 10’, 4”厚的水泥地基。

      自己挖地,铺石子,铺钢筋。叫premixed 卡车送水泥。$450。网上请三个人,帮我把水泥一车一车推到后院。我自己做的水泥的finish.

      • 不错呀,但是为什么要找3个人运水泥呀?
        • 后院,运水泥的卡车开不进去。
      • 材料不值钱,人工可能要1000,钱省在这里了。。。 +1
        • 干了三个小时,每人给了$60。人工费$180元。水泥$450,买石子大概$250。石子本事不贵,一半费用是delivery cost. 买钢筋花了不少钱,估计也有三四百。买工具,租三个wheel barrel,加一起$200左右。
          • 每人$60/3小時.......太便宜了
          • 那找的人呀,60元真心不错
      • 盖了四间房?