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自己看下面的英语吧,我也懒得翻译了,大致路线是从Rideau canal沿着dows lake开

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Flotilla

The Sun Life Financial Flotilla on the Rideau Canal
This incredible event consists of decorated boats of all types traveling an 8 kilometer route between Dows Lake and the National Arts Centre. Creative tulip decorations, props and entertainment will adorn the boats as they make their way down the canal delighting the spectators and judges alike.
To enhance the Flotilla's route, celebration sites have been created, complete with entertainment, refreshments and bilingual Flotilla commentary by local radio stations. Upwards of 100, 000 people will be watching the procession along the Canal. This year, the Flotilla will set sail at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 18, 2003 from Dows Lake Pavilion.

Flotilla Celebration Sites
Dows Lake, Fifth Avenue and Pretoria Bridge provide perfect viewing areas for the Sun Life Financial Flotilla on the Rideau Canal. The Sun Life Financial Little Skippers Kids Flotilla at 5th Ave. will delight children with art workshops, crafts, games and animation from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Sunday, May 18, 2003更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 请问渥太华的郁金香展在哪里可以大面积的看到?
    • 我刚回来,一共4个点,景点1$10好像国内的庙会,但是规模很小,我觉得不太好玩。景点2郁金香最多最漂亮而且free。3和4基本规模很小,除非你想去赌场,否则光郁金香景点2就足够了。另外谢谢Helen夫妇和芝麻蛋卷夫妇^_^ 旅途很愉快!
      • 是开得快、走得早还是玩得短,怎么这么早就到了
        • 5点就起来了,大概5:45左右出发,无论去还是回来都不堵车,非常顺利~~~
          • 5点起来?!太痛苦了,睡觉还差不多
            • 是呀, 看样子, 我也该洗洗, 睡了。
              • 8点走,11点回来
                • 不行啊, 我明晚九点前必须回来。
      • 你说的这四个景点都在哪儿呀, 我明天去, 多谢指点。
        • 图上
        • 到处都有免费的资料派,地图在小册子上,你看了就知道了。
          • thanks
          • 另外, 路上要开多长时间, 走401的话。
            • 无交通堵塞4小时左右?非常远的
              • 我开车,8:15出发,12点差一刻到。嘿嘿
          • 还有个问题就是走哪条路最快,大约多长时间?我明天也准备6点左右出发
            • 你什么车, 兴许在路上碰见你
              • 红VAN:) 你打算走哪条路?
                • 我还不知道怎么走呢, 估计是顺着401傻开, 到了OTAWA就行了。
      • 谢谢你的答复:)另外景点1234各是指哪里?
    • Dows lake是花最多的,也是免费的,就去哪里就够了. Main park是一个小花园,花较少,但是可以以国会山和渥太华河作为背景拍照。
      • 对了,那里有花船游行可看吗?
        • 自己看下面的英语吧,我也懒得翻译了,大致路线是从Rideau canal沿着dows lake开
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Flotilla

          The Sun Life Financial Flotilla on the Rideau Canal
          This incredible event consists of decorated boats of all types traveling an 8 kilometer route between Dows Lake and the National Arts Centre. Creative tulip decorations, props and entertainment will adorn the boats as they make their way down the canal delighting the spectators and judges alike.
          To enhance the Flotilla's route, celebration sites have been created, complete with entertainment, refreshments and bilingual Flotilla commentary by local radio stations. Upwards of 100, 000 people will be watching the procession along the Canal. This year, the Flotilla will set sail at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 18, 2003 from Dows Lake Pavilion.

          Flotilla Celebration Sites
          Dows Lake, Fifth Avenue and Pretoria Bridge provide perfect viewing areas for the Sun Life Financial Flotilla on the Rideau Canal. The Sun Life Financial Little Skippers Kids Flotilla at 5th Ave. will delight children with art workshops, crafts, games and animation from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Sunday, May 18, 2003更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 回来了, 被晒得够呛。 听了雨雨的介绍, 直奔景点2, 逗留一个下午。儿子很高兴。但下回也不想去了。谢谢。