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俺刚收到来自UW的offer,但还是不很明白,这份offer 是给我申请的Second degree吗?什么是YEAR 1 和 upper year addmission 的区别? 这个数学考试简单吗?一个月的时间准备够吗?接受了这份,万一考不好,我的多大是不是也没系了?

“I am very pleased to inform you that they have recommended you receive a conditional offer of admission to our Honours

Mathematics regular program commencing in September 2003. This offer will be conditional on you writing the University of

Waterloo pre-university calculus and pre-university algebra examinations and attaining a final grade of not less than 90% by

July 15, 2003. This condition is required in order to confirm the retention of your mathematics background.

I should have informed you that you have been admitted to Year 1. You must confirm this
Offer of Admission and arrange for us to receive an official transcript showing your final grades, and provide calendar

descriptions of your courses so that we can consider the possibility of transfer credits and upper year admission. You may

not be able to select certain courses on quest unless transfer credits have bbeen assessed.”

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 俺刚收到来自UW的offer,但还是不很明白,这份offer 是给我申请的Second degree吗?什么是YEAR 1 和 upper year addmission 的区别? 这个数学考试简单吗?一个月的时间准备够吗?接受了这份,万一考不好,我的多大是不是也没系了?
    “I am very pleased to inform you that they have recommended you receive a conditional offer of admission to our Honours

    Mathematics regular program commencing in September 2003. This offer will be conditional on you writing the University of

    Waterloo pre-university calculus and pre-university algebra examinations and attaining a final grade of not less than 90% by

    July 15, 2003. This condition is required in order to confirm the retention of your mathematics background.

    I should have informed you that you have been admitted to Year 1. You must confirm this
    Offer of Admission and arrange for us to receive an official transcript showing your final grades, and provide calendar

    descriptions of your courses so that we can consider the possibility of transfer credits and upper year admission. You may

    not be able to select certain courses on quest unless transfer credits have bbeen assessed.”
    • 首先恭喜!你参加了数学竞赛吗?怎么还要数学考试。我还没有收到offer.
      • 我没参加数学竟赛,本来只要有5年内学数学的证明就成,我没有,所以被要求参加数学考试,哎!一块鸡肋呀!熊,换作你,是UT还是UW?
        • 我想数学考试应该不难,最多和数学竞赛一样。选择UW 。
          • 你考过数竟,我现在不知代数部分对线性代数的包括程度,复习起来觉得没有边际,能大概讲讲你数竟的内容吗?
            • 你申请的是本科还是master怎么还要求测试数学成绩呢?
            • 数学竞赛包括的内容很多,比高中数学难。包括解析几何,空间几何,线性代数,排列组合,微分的应用题,等差等比数列。线性代数包括解一元二次方程和不等式,一元三次方程,二元一次方程组和三元一次方程组。
              • 我申请的是本科,我已毕业8年,所以要求五年内学习过数学。没有,则要考试;to:熊,看起来其实就是这的高中数学,你觉得考到90分有多难?谢
                • 你的offer上说的90%不是指90分,应该指你的成绩在top10%之内吧。2000年的竞赛结果70分以上的是7.2%,所以不必很担心。还有提醒你一下,这竞赛比高中数学难,很多内容超出了高中数学。
    • 我收到UW的据信,原因说我没有计算机的背景,别的都符合。真伤心呀.....
      • 谢谢老熊,极度同情,别气馁!你可以尝试选几门计算机课程或别的办法来改变背景!