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workopolis(枫树下の守望者 ) :人不为己天诛地灭。象Scarborough那样教育别人“大公无私”的人应该天诛地灭。不过...





Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 我们这样的情况怎样才能申请到助学贷款?多谢!
    • 该怎样就怎样。没必要为了一点点钱非这么多心思。
      • 你什么意思!我贷款又不是不还,只是想在移民的初期把生活安排的稳妥些,有什么不对吗!你如果不想回答就别说。贷不贷是我的事,问问有什么不可?
        • 你的钱太多了,恐怕不行
        • 我觉得你大可不必生这么大的气。钱太多了,就看他们查不查了,否则取出来银行也有记录。
        • Don't be upset or feel offended. As a newcomer or even pre-newcomer in your case, you don't fully understand the situation here.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛It's true that Canada has a reputation for its all kinds of benefits. But where do you think those money comes from, nowhere? Do you think the resources are just unlimited? Most people here, including me, pay ridiculous high tax and we just want our money can help someone who really needs it, not people like you with thousands of dollars in the bank. There is lots of free stuff here that are available upon needs. If you don't really need it, don't take it. By doing this, you are helping someone else and the whole society. We don't want this country be changed into a place where everyone cares about his own benefit, struggles and kills to seize all the resources he can reach no matter he needs or not. I don't blame you having this kind of thought, just as what I did before. After all, we all come from a country with limited resource and unlimited population, where you have to fight for yourself. Sometimes, just think a little bit more about others. The situation is getting worse and worse here and if we don't try to reverse it, where do you think our kids or we can go after Canada is changed into another China? If you wanna come, just follow the rules here. Don't put shame on all the Chinese just for your own little benefit. We already have had enough examples.
          Sorry, can't input Chinese, still @ office. Poor me!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • good point !!!
          • Fantastic!
      • 我只是针对自己的情况问个问题,没想到引来太多争执!本来大家身居海外,论坛应该是互相帮助的地方,能帮就帮,觉得不对或不妥可以指出,有必要这么如此争执与指责吗?
    • 现在美金那么疲,叫人家换成加元交学费确实挺残忍的。不过上面所说的情况是不符合政府贷款条件的,得在省内住满一年吧。经济条件嘛,自己掌握分寸吧。下面那些全英文的写得太猛了,交税就交税呗,并未高人一等吧。
      • Misunderstanding? I do't mean I'm somebody because I pay tax. What I want to say is
        If the social system is one of the reasons that make you come here, why you don't follow and protect it?
        If you think the system is not perfect, as a matter of fact it isn't, you still have some options. You can just go back or you can try to change it in a proper way other than in a cheating or fraud way.
        Remember, everyone is under the law here. It's not like in China. No law or social system is perfect, but if we want to live together peacefully, we need one. Don't try to break or change it in your own way. You are not alone. We Chinese and whole bunch of other people share the same society. Try not to be "huang2 chong2" (grasshopper?)
        • 本人英文不好,理解上难免有出入。你说你还在办公室,是加班吧,不过还是很空,可以上网刷坛子,不晓得这里加班是否都能这么悠闲。如果华人来这里做办公室工作都是这样偷闲的话,就难怪新来的移民都找不到工作了。
          • hehe, I don't think any boss in the world will expect his employss to work full 8 hours, 480 minutes a day. Am I right? You mean after I got this job, 就难怪新来的移民都找不到工作了? I'm so honored.
            • 就是嘛,所以也不能把上面那几大段英文就对着newcomer or even pre-newcomer讲吧,土生土长的和老移民们都不一定能做到的,怎能去要求一个新来的或还没未来的呢?你敢说本地人或老移民没有在社会福利上……
              打擦边球、甚至欺骗的呢?为什么一定对newcomer or even pre-newcomer有那么多宣讲呢?
              • 土生土长的和老移民们都不一定能做到的,怎能去要求一个新来的或还没未来的呢? Don't agree. It's nothing about the time. It'a only about what kind of a person he is.
                Besides, have you ever thought about what Canada is heading to if this is encouraged? We have some selfish liar in our society and you just encourage others to be one?
                What I am doing now don't hurt anybody. The job is done. What he wants to do will make someone who really need the money for his education get less than what he should have and create an atmosphere of selfish and indifference. That's serious disease to the society. That what happening in China now. Do you want that happens here?
                • 童养媳心理,为什么总要play down China呢?好啊,如果你有心想让加拿大的社会制度更加纯洁的话,再说你挺能写英文的,为什么不把大作贴到Toronto Star上去呢,还可以教育更多的白人黑人印巴人,而不止于华人。
                  “you just encourage others to be one”别这么抬举我啊,我也会觉得过分被honoured的。再说了,邪不压正,您又是说官方语言的,肯定您的份量更大些啰。
                  • 你也是的,就象是触痛了你的伤疤,人家写这篇东西只是一个想法,并没有具体针对某一人。
                  • 1.2.3....
                    1. If you want to continue with this discuss, watch your words. This is a public place. Please show some basic respect.
                    2. I never "Play down China". On the contrary, what I'm saying here is trying to prevent someone from doing that, to protect her. I believe with your intelligence, if you read my posts one more time, you can clearly see it.
                    3.I like Chinese and I use it as much as I can. The reason why I'm not using it now is in my first post.
                    4. If you see someone put an article on a Toronto Star saying, "It's good to be honest. Shouldn't cheat. Shouldn't lie." Do you think he is alright? I don't.
                    If another race writes an article saying, "After a intensive discuss, We think it's not proper to steal, rob, fraud and kill." Are you proud of them? If not, why should I put my articel on Toroto Star.
                    Plus, not every opinion on Toronto Star is right.
                    5. Since you say "邪不压正", what do you think is 邪 and what is 正? Whick should we encourage?
                  • 您是显得被抬举了,公道自在人心,说的好,邪不压正,社会要好,还是少你这样的人好。
                  • ﹡ 枫树下の守望者 ﹡教会我们如果白人去杀人,我们也去杀,如果白人去偷东西,我们也能去偷。嘿嘿嘿嘿.................
                  • workopolis(枫树下の守望者 ) :人不为己天诛地灭。象Scarborough那样教育别人“大公无私”的人应该天诛地灭。不过...



                    • 可怜的中国人呀,有时候真让人心痛,人是不能大公无私和有高尚的情怀的,否则哪儿来的人不为己天诛地灭这句古语。
                      • 你是没看懂楼上说什么
                    • Agree with your conclusion. Also agree that 人不为己天诛地灭. But when you are fighting for your backup and someone is struggling to survive, I think he should have higher priority, right?
          • I bet you don't see some so called white people go for a half-an-hour-smoking-break several times per day.
          • 这段话真的是很偏激,除了衣厂打工的工人,或者也不是,恐怕没有人真正可以每一分每一秒都在工作吧,哈哈
        • :-D Great argument !!!
        • 别对同胞这么苛刻,他们的钱也不是很多,也就一年的生活费。
          • 别对同胞这么苛刻, 对新人nice点, 他们需要的是帮助, 不是自以为是地教训.
            • 实在惭愧,不管是对是错,新人还是旧人,我也没帮过哪位,就说了几句话,就招来那么多骂。(其实那位问贷款事的,也根本不符合条件,连旁人也挨臭骂,人家既不是坏人也不是傻子,今后还敢上这儿来问事儿吗?)
            • 就是,就是,每个人都不容易,不要什么都上纲上线,别人不过问了一下学生贷款的事,至于吗?