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I said that I could call him at creatin time generally, the D. told the professor about my situation. My professor agreeed telephone interview. I called him at appointemented time. He was good, He asked me:"Do you need me call back you". He knows that calling from china is expensive. I thought at that time: 反正我也不知道你要不要我,打给我我还省钱. I told him my mum. I got interview about 15 mim. After that , I sent hime an thanks letter. After 3 or 4 weeks, I asked him his decision, he then asked me serveral question through email. Then I got the offer.
--- I don't think that you need fly here to get interview.
--depended on your background, you can guess whether you are competitive.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 叫我去面试,可是我在国内怎么办?急死了。有经验的大狭门给个方案啊!!!
    • up,知道的告诉我一声呀。谢谢!!!
      • Which university? which major? Why don't you go there? no visa?
        • UoT, EE,Master
          • Do you call the department to tell them you are not in Toronto? Can they inform you to deposit 2000 CAD to UT?
      • call to fix a later date.
        • 我在国内,现在在找工作。是因为觉的申请没希望了所以夫妻两个都回国了。我是移民。难道真的要我为了一个可能成功可能失败的面试到多伦多一趟?!!!!
          • 什么跟什么啊?没看懂。你是移民,你还申请什么啊。
            • 我是移民,在加拿大申请加拿大的学校。现在返回中国,可是有学校让我去面试,我该怎么办?!!!
              • help!help!help!!!
                • 只能你自己拿主意,因为谁也不能预知结果。
                • ask a telephone interview
              • 我当是什么事呢!看你了,想上学,去面试。通常会有好的结果的。不想上学,就写信辞了。至于可能成功可能失败,成功的可能性极大。而且,现在你不还没找到工作吗。
    • 打电话去解释清楚重新安排时间或者干脆cancel,这还不简单
      • 我想上学,可是从国内飞多伦多来回很贵,已经一年多无收入了,现在靠婆婆养活,没钱呀。而且下周motorola公司叫我去第二次面试。真的是很郁闷。
        • 面谈还挺多,偶在本地怎么都一个也捞不着? 打电话问学校能不能电话面谈, 要不要我替你跟学校打电话呀,还是把给学校打电话的台词给你写清楚?
          • 能告诉我台词吗?
    • 我以前遇到你相同的情况,我是这样做的:打电话给学校(秘书),说清楚你现在中国,问能不能电话intervew
      I said that I could call him at creatin time generally, the D. told the professor about my situation. My professor agreeed telephone interview. I called him at appointemented time. He was good, He asked me:"Do you need me call back you". He knows that calling from china is expensive. I thought at that time: 反正我也不知道你要不要我,打给我我还省钱. I told him my mum. I got interview about 15 mim. After that , I sent hime an thanks letter. After 3 or 4 weeks, I asked him his decision, he then asked me serveral question through email. Then I got the offer.
      --- I don't think that you need fly here to get interview.
      --depended on your background, you can guess whether you are competitive.