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take the UTSC definitely. congrats!

SPECIALIST PROGRAM :4years (honor degree)
you would recieve 5 transfer credits.
you will have chance to enter the UTSC's co-op program after one and half year study and you GPA is B(B+ ?) or above.

May have some questions?
why york only transfer 24 credits for you, I heard some guy got 60!
did you have any degree before?
what faculty did you get in?Arts or pure & app?
I want to know some detail about your enrolment appointment, because i will go to york this fall ( computer science of pure & app)

thanks a lot

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 要不要接受这个offer呢? 请专家指教.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我已接受了约克的OFFER FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE,得到24个转学分(约克的DEGREE需要90个学分),五月入学. 今收到多大的OFFER,但不是我所申请的COMPUTER SCIENCE,而是先给我PHYSICAL SCIENCES的OFFER,说什么先学基础课,一年后再重新申请转入COMPUTER SCIENCE. 我不知道是否应该接受. (若接受,我必须签字同意取消先前接受的其他学校的OFFER)时间截止到5月10号,没有几天可以考虑了. 请多指教!!!!!!
    另,多大的SPECIALIST PROGRAM 和 MAJOR PROGRAM 是什么意思,有什么区别???
    摘录offer letter:
    Congratulations! I am pleased to offer you admission to the Computer Science (Direct) Program at the University of Toronto at Scarborough for the 2003 Fall Session.......
    You have not been admitted directly to a computer science program. We are offering you admission to an alternate choice - Physical Sciences. This offer allows you to take the required first year courses in computer science and mathematics provided you have the math prerequisites. After completing the first year required courses, you may re-apply for admission to a computer science program next spring.
    ......更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • take the UTSC definitely. congrats!
      SPECIALIST PROGRAM :4years (honor degree)
      MAJOR PROGRAM :3years
      COMPUTER SCIENCE belongs to the faculty of PHYSICAL SCIENCES
      you would recieve 5 transfer credits.
      you will have chance to enter the UTSC's co-op program after one and half year study and you GPA is B(B+ ?) or above.

      May have some questions?
      why york only transfer 24 credits for you, I heard some guy got 60!
      did you have any degree before?
      what faculty did you get in?Arts or pure & app?
      I want to know some detail about your enrolment appointment, because i will go to york this fall ( computer science of pure & app)

      thanks a lot
      • Thanks. More....
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The letter shows I got 30 credits, but the advisor told me only 24 could apply to my program. Even some one got 60 credits by a perfectly matching course description, not all the transfered credits can be applied to your degree program.
        I have a deploma in computer application ( a 3 years program in chinese university). The advisor told me that I couldnot get any credits from computer courses just because I've graduated for a long time(7 years).
        I was enrolled in Atkinson college, degree in science- BSc.
        Go for your enrolment appointment you made in time, you will be in a group of students listening to a same advisor, who will help you to choose courses basing on your transfer credits. Learning the study plan of your program(courses you need to take for your degree & calendar) in advance of your apointment is highly recommended.
        More question???

        Now is my turn.
        Is it guaranteed that I can successfully transfer to computer science program?
        If not, in what condition?
        What is 5 transfer credits like? How many credits is required for a degree in UTSC?

        Thanks.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • sorry for late.
          >Is it guaranteed that I can successfully transfer to computer science >program? If not, in what condition?
          YES, if you will keep your GPA B(B+ ?) or above. (IN UTSC, COMPUTER SCIENCE belongs to the faculty of PHYSICAL SCIENCES! )

          >What is 5 transfer credits like?
          you can get 5 credits if you have degree before (like some guy got 60 from york)

          >How many credits is required for a degree in UTSC?
          honor needs 20 credits (before credits transfer, look like yourk's 120)
          major: 15 credits (like yourk's 90)
          • I've check the UTSC web(/Academic Programs/), C.S. is belong to Computer & Mathematical Sciences and Physical Sciences is belong to Physical & Environmental Sciences . Does it mean they belong to different Faculty???
      • 这种honor degree到底是什么意思啊?
        • Honor Degree allows you to continue graduate study directly
          • 和中文对应的是什么啊?
    • 如果不是directly to CS 的话 你就要好好学习, 成绩要比大部人好, 才能进CS
      • 如果我的成绩不太好我就只能呆在物理科学了???这样从多大的物理系转到计算机应该比直接申请入学或从其他学校转过来,有很大的优势吧?
      • 天天看书, 差不了的
    • 向你请教类似的问题
      我和你的情况相似,先confirm了约克5月份的offer,并且见了adviser、再网上选了课,可是昨天我又收到了Mcmaster 9月份的offer,从你所写的内容来看,是不是如果我要confirm Mcmaster 9月份的offer,就得先取消约克的offer? 你是从OUAC得到的这个信息吗?谢谢!
      • I'm not sure whether OUAC is dealing with the offers.
        U of T asked me to response the offer letter to OUAC and MUST cancel the previous accepted offer if I have. (Otherwise you might be treated as dishonor one. Someone told)
    • I suggest York U. It will save you a lot of trouble and time, because you are already in CS. In addition, I think courses in York U will be easier than those in UT, so you can get a higher standing when you graduate.
      • But UT is the top one, correct? Besides, I've already learned many computer courses and I was a computer programmer.
        • It depends on your situation. I don't know much about UT. But "at Scarborough" does't sound good and being a programmer doen't mean being able to do well in CS courses. Anyway, good luck.