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my current situation........

International student,centennial college 2 year computer graduate. Three years accounting diploma from China. Three years working experience.

They said my course descriptions from China r not official. I ordered my transcripts only from my university in China since they don't have official course decriptions. So they admitted me to first year of Honour B. Com mojor in MIS. I applied for this program with COOP option in second year entry, but they said that the COOP is only for citizen or PR.

At my age, no time for me to study from the beginning ( first year).
And the most important thing is the huge amount of tuition.

So I am hesitating whether or not should I take it.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 有没有人接受了今年9月份的渥太华大学的offer? 我正在犹豫到底去不去.......
    • 自己 up 一下
      • 什么专业?
    • 别人接受你就接受?别人不接受你就不接受?为什么不把你犹豫的原因写在这,大家一起分析、决策?
    • my current situation........
      International student,centennial college 2 year computer graduate. Three years accounting diploma from China. Three years working experience.

      They said my course descriptions from China r not official. I ordered my transcripts only from my university in China since they don't have official course decriptions. So they admitted me to first year of Honour B. Com mojor in MIS. I applied for this program with COOP option in second year entry, but they said that the COOP is only for citizen or PR.

      At my age, no time for me to study from the beginning ( first year).
      And the most important thing is the huge amount of tuition.

      So I am hesitating whether or not should I take it.
      • Do you have other choices?
        • 昨天还在犹豫是否接受UofOttawa呢,总算松了口气,今天下午刚收到多大(UTSC)CS COOP undergraduate录取通知...
          Quote“Congratulations! I am pleased to offer you admission to the Computer Science ( Direct) Program at the UTSC for the 2003 Fall Session”.

          另外让我填表交钱转移学分,先不选课,避免重复。下一步得转学生签证啦,还有最头痛的tuition. 请教多大师哥师姐,多大有无资助国际学生的program(助学金,奖学金之类?)如何申请works on campus? 将来肯定还会有好多问题求教。


          My email: johnny_leecn@yahoo.com
          Yahoo messenger ID: johnny_leecn
          MSN messenger ID: leebing_cn@hotmail.com
          • 你国际学生也能coop?
          • sorry, non-coop..............
            I applied for COOP CS in UTSC. So I though I was admitted to the COOP CS. Actually, visa students do can apply for COOP, but some employers might hire only citizen or PR. That is the question. (Just did some researchs on UTSC website). As I know UofOttawa is not allow visa students to apply for COOP for sure since they said that in my offer.